## page was renamed from 22.22/Desktop_Installation = About = The following are useful guides to installing the Ubuntu 22.04 and 22.10 desktops. = Raw Metal Installs = * [[https://ostechnix.com/install-ubuntu-desktop/|The Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop Installation Guide]] from ostechnix.com/ * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESkuXK71Y74|YouTube tutorial by @SavvyNik]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_8cD4HFvhc|Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Full Installation Walkthrough by Learn Linux TV]] = Windows Subsystem for Linux Installs = * [[https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-22-04-on-wsl-windows-subsystem-for-linux|Ubuntu 22.04 on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) by Korbin Brown]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtQr6Sm34wg|How To Install Ubuntu 22.04 LTS On Windows 10 or 11 (WSL) YouTube Tutorial by Ghost Together]] = VM Installs = * [[https://linuxhint.com/install-ubuntu22-04-virtual-box/|How to Install Ubuntu 22.04 on VirtualBox by Naima Aftab] * [https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-run-ubuntu-desktop-on-a-virtual-machine-using-virtualbox#1-overview|How to run an Ubuntu Desktop virtual machine using VirtualBox 7]] * [[https://trendoceans.com/install-ubuntu-on-virtualbox/|How to Install Ubuntu 22.04 on VirtualBox on Windows 10 & 11]]