
Astronaut VistA is an installer for two Linux-based derivatives of the VistA EHR (Electronic Health Record), the largest EHR in the US (the Veterans Administration's health information system). They are CCHIT-approved for clinical usage and available with open source licenses. Both derivatives are available with an open-source database (GT.M, an open-source MUMPS database derivative).

The servers and clients are packaged separately (for both derivatives). While servers are Linux-based, the WorldVistA clients are Windows-based only. The OpenVistA clients are available for both Windows and Linux.

AstronautVistA provides an installer for the servers of both derivatives, and for configuration utilities and the client packages of WorldVistA as well.

Preparing your server

It is easiest to set this up before using the Astronaut installer, since the Astronaut installer autodetects IP address settings.

Install the VistA server

 sudo apt-get install apache2

 sudo tasksel install lamp-server

 sudo apt-get install openssh-server

 sudo apt-get install xinetd whois apache2-suexec

 sudo apt-get ia32-libs

 sudo echo "deb lucid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lucid-partner.list
 sudo apt-get update

 sudo apt-get install astronaut-wv-server-beta

 sudo apt-get install astronaut-ov-server-beta

When the VistA client(s) and a VistA server are on the same computer, a self-contained EHR can be created on a single computer. (A VistA server can also be run within a virtual machine, allowing it to be completely run within Windows, as well.) See Ubuntu Doctors Guild: WorldVistA and Virtual Servers.

Installing from Medsphere repositories

 wget -q -O - <nowiki></nowiki> | sudo apt-key add -
 echo "deb <nowiki></nowiki> ''lucid'' main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openvistaehr.list
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install openvista-utils

Server functions

The VistA server functions are generally configured from a text interface. The VistA server is very flexible and powerful, and therefore can seem complex to customize and daunting for new users.

Accessing the interface is possible in several ways:


Then see

Obtain and install VistA clients

Installation Notes

The following default actions were done:


 IP address of this machine:
 Instance name: EHR
 Port: 9260

(Obviously, use the IP address of your own server). These details will be needed for installing the Astronaut VistA client package.

Other resources

This article was originally adapted from the originals at

*Also see the Astronaut installation YouTube video and the Astronaut Client Server Manager YouTube video.

AstronautVistA (last edited 2014-04-26 18:51:30 by 198-204-209-183-pptp45-dynamic)