<> <> ## See parent page BeepMediaPlayer Beep-Media-Player displays Invalid UTF-8 when your MP3 file's ID3 title tag contains text in a non-UTF8 encoding. If you don't want to modify the ID3 title tag you can tell BMP which encoding to use for displaying titles. Go to the Preferences dialog and select {{{Plugins > Media > MPEG Audio Plugin > Preferences > Title.}}} In the {{{ID3 Tags}}} configuration dialog, enable {{{Convert non-UTF8 ID3 tags to UTF8}}} and enter the codeset name. For example in the {{{ID3 encoding}}} input box put {{{ISO-8859-1}}}. Press {{{OK}}} and then {{{Close}}} to save your preferences and re-adding the files. Link to the [[http://www.sosdg.org/~larne/w/FAQ#Why_do_I_have_.22.3F.3F.3F_.28Invalid_UTF-8.29.22_in_the_playlist.3F|BMP FAQ]] ----