Concurrent Versions System Web Interface ## try to use a title for the page which uses capitalization and spaces between words, as above = Introduction = ||<
><>|| CVSweb is a WWW interface for CVS repositories with which you can browse a file hierarchy on your browser to view each file's revision history in a very handy manner. = Notes = This documentation is accurate as of April 6, 2012. These steps have been performed on Ubuntu 10.04.4 Server systems and confirmed to work as described here. = Prerequisites = It's generally a good idea to start with a healthy, fully functioning, up-to-date system. This means that some combination of '''sudo apt-get update''', '''sudo apt-get upgrade''', '''sudo apt-get dist-upgrade''', and '''sudo apt-get autoremove''' should have been recently run. Please understand what the commands do before blindly running them as any system update has the potential to render a system inoperable. I also had the Apache web server installed and functioning prior to installing CVSweb which is an important thing to note since cvsweb won't function without a properly installed and configered web server as it does not include one of its own. = Installation = To install CVSweb, simply run: {{{ sudo apt-get install cvsweb }}} = Configuration = Make a copy of the original '''cvsweb.conf''' file: {{{ sudo cp /etc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf /etc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf.ORIGINAL }}} Now modify the '''cvsweb.conf''' file so that it looks like the following. Before: {{{ . . . @CVSrepositories = ( # 'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD', '/var/ncvs'], . . . }}} After: {{{ . . . @CVSrepositories = ( 'local' => ['Local Repository', '/var/lib/cvs'], # 'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD', '/var/ncvs'], . . . }}} If the directory containing the cvsweb icons and css files is not in '''/var/www''', you have to add a symbolic link: {{{ sudo ln -s /usr/share/cvsweb /var/www/cvsweb }}} You can now access CVSweb on your server by browsing to: {{{ http://server_url/cgi-bin/cvsweb }}} = See Also = A see also section can be used to point users towards other trusted Ubuntu resources. For example, if a page exists in the official documentation on, you can link to such a page. This section is optional. * - Explanation of link. * - Explanation of link. * - Explanation of link. = External Links = An external links section can be used to point users towards general information about the subject matter of the page, such as a [[|wikipedia]] entry or project homepage. This section is optional. * [[|CVSweb]] - FreeBSD CVSweb Project. * - Explanation of link. * - Explanation of link.