||<>|| This page is a default template for documentation on the wiki. To create a new guide on the wiki, read the page WikiGuide. = Introduction = RTSP is a common RealPlayer format for audio and video streams. Neither RealPlayer or VLC (the other commonly used stream recorder) are capable of copying this format. = Install Required Software = Required software packages are: {{{ mplayer, w32codecs, lame, sox, ffmpeg, libdvdcss2 }}} Use the following command in a terminal: {{{ sudo apt-get install mplayer w32codecs lame sox ffmpeg libdvdcss2 }}} = Capture Stream = Find the RTSP address you want to capture. Open a terminal and use the following command: {{{ mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile ".rm" "" }}} Example: {{{ mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile "MyVideoFile.rm" "rtsp://a347.v78708.c7870.g.vr.akamaistream.net/ondemand/7/347/7870/v0001/mitstorage.download.akamai.com/7870/3/3.091/f04/video/ocw-3.091-lec03-220k.rm" }}} The capture process will take as long as the actual video lasts. ----