
Paraphrased from the JASig CAS Project Page:

This document provides the steps for setting up different CAS Server implementations on Ubuntu Server. It does NOT cover the client side.

The procedures outlined here should work for other Linuxen including OSX, but YMMV.

Setting up the Server

All the server versions use mostly the same sequence of steps. Here's the general outline of what we're going to do here is:

Each server may have a specific further configuration, but that's in addition to the steps outlined here. Ok, let's get started.

JASig CAS Server on Tomcat

Custom configurations for the tomcat server are:


Tomcat. You can get it in one of two ways. Either through aptitude:

sudo aptitude install tomcat

OR downloading it from the tomcat project page

wget <need url>

Maven. CAS comes with a Project Object Model (POM) file, which tell Maven, the project build/management tool, how to compile the CAS project.

sudo apt-get install maven2

Optionally you can install maven-ant-helper in case you decide to use Ant to create deployment tasks:

sudo apt-get install ant
sudo apt-get install maven-ant-helper

Configuring CAS Server Build for Maven

Get the latest CAS server archive from JASig:

 tar -xvzf cas-server-3.3.5-release.tar.gz
 cd cas-server-3.3.5

CAS uses Maven, which relies on the pom.xml file to define tasks.

Configure the pom.xml file

Configure WEB-INF/deployerContext. Note: Keep in mind that dependencies are downloaded from the maven site, and stored in ~/.m2/repository. You can check this out for the MySQL dependency that we've defined above.

Set up database sources

RubyCAS: Ruby-based Server

JASig CAS Server on JBoss

Revoking Sessions

Ubuntu Version Specific Configuration



CentralAuthenticationService (last edited 2011-05-11 07:19:33 by vpn-3206)