Parent page: Internet and Networking #title Configuring your Browser for the Citrix XenApp plugin

(i) CitrixXenAppPlugin is part of the UserDocumentation series of index pages. Please read the WikiGuide prior to making changes.

The Citrix XenApp plugin allows one to run a Citrix client from within one's web browser. The following presumes that

  1. You have already setup the Citrix ICA client as described here.

  2. When you click on a link to a Citrix resource, you are prompted to download or use launch.ica or similar filename.

(If the remote desktop launches, you are done, and can skip this page.)

Using Firefox

Invoking the web ICA client

  1. Find the web ICA client executable wfica. This should be in the same direcory as the native client executable wfcmgr (deprecated in Citrix Receiver 13.0), e.g., /usr/lib/ICAClient/ or /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/. Try running

sudo ls -al /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica

sudo ls -al /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/wfica

sudo find /usr -name 'wfica'
  1. Click on a link to a Citrix resource: you should be prompted to download or use launch.ica or other filename.

  2. Set Firefox to open the downloaded file with wfica: i.e. in the download dialog tell Firefox to

    1. open the file using the full path to wfica

    2. always use wfica to open that file

The remote application or desktop should then launch, possibly preceded by a Citrix Receiver splash dialog. If not, there are other problems you need to fix.

Configuring certificates

When clicking on a Citrix link or icon, you may see the Citrix Receiver splash dialog followed by a dialog with title=Client Error

You have not chosen to trust " Certification Authority (2048)", the issuer of the server's security certifcate (SSL error 61).

(Note that the error may reference some other certification authority.) Hit button=Quit. You will then need to download and install the necessary certificate.

The following instructions reference the Certification Authority (2048): the particulars of the procedure required for your use case may vary, but the general procedure will be the same:

  1. Find the place to which to download the required certificate. Your local IT consultant may be useful here; otherwise, look in a subdirectory of the directory in which you found wfica, e.g., /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts.

  2. Find the place from which to download the required certificate. Your local IT consultant may be useful here; otherwise, use your favorite search engine. Note that the certificates can be downloaded from here.

  3. Find the URI from which to download the required certificate. Note that, to write the certificate to, e.g., /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts, you will need sudo, so you will probably be unable to download the certificate from your browser. For the certificate used in this example, the URI is
  1. Download the certificate using sudo, with, e.g.,

SOURCE_FN="$(basename ${SOURCE_URI})"
sudo wget -c -O ${TARGET_FP} ${SOURCE_URI}
sudo ls -al ${TARGET_FP}
  1. Quit and restart your browser, load the page containing the link to your Citrix resource, and attempt to access it again. Citrix Receiver should run without giving the certificate error, and your remote application or desktop should become visible.

CategoryNetworking CategorySoftware

CitrixXenAppPlugin (last edited 2013-12-09 11:05:36 by dynamic-adsl-78-15-231-243)