<> === WARNING ! === This document could potentially cause damage to your system and will have many errors in while it is is currently in development. Anyone following this should do so at their own risk and be aware that there are currently errors in the document This document should be used for reference/interest only as this process provides an install exactly the same as the Ubuntu install process but without community support. Using this guide to build an Ubuntu base system is discouraged due to it providing the same install as an Ubuntu installer, but without support, thus making this document pointless as a practical system. ||<>|| === Overview === There are three different areas to think about: The host system, the Disk Partitioning and mounting and the chroot. 1- The host system. This is your current Ubuntu install.(not tested on live cd) 2- The Disk Partitioning. The Disk Partitioning stage is when you set up partition install to. The disk partition will be created in the host environmen not chroot. 3- The chroot environment. This is the system that will run from the partition. == Make the chroot environment == install debootstrap. (Note, the latest version of debootstrap is available [[http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=debootstrap&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all|here]]. Below Replace the word USER with your username and run Run {{{ mkdir ~/UFS cd ~/UFS mkdir disk sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/USER/UFS/disk export UFS=hardy sudo debootstrap --arch i386 $UFS disk }}} Change hardy to what codename for version you want. That will create a directory with a chroot directory within it. It will then install a bare ubuntu system there. It is important to install custom applications such as MySQL after linux-generic is installed as the application requires kernel modules for post-install configuration. == Setup Chroot == {{{ sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf disk/etc/resolv.conf sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list disk/etc/apt/sources.list }}} This Copies resolv.conf for internet and source.list and you may want to edit it for you codename sudo gedit disk/etc/apt/sources.list == Enter Chroot == {{{ sudo chroot disk mount /proc mount /sys mount -t devpts none /dev/pts }}} == Install Software == {{{ apt-get update locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 apt-get -y install ubuntu-standard casper apt-get -y install laptop-detect os-prober apt-get -y install linux-generic }}} == Choose Desktop-Environment == For Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) {{{ apt-get -y install ubuntu-desktop }}} For Kubuntu Desktop (KDE) {{{ apt-get -y install kubuntu-desktop }}} For Xbuntu Desktop (XFCE) {{{ apt-get -y install xbuntu-desktop }}} For Edubuntu Desktop (Gnome) {{{ apt-get -y install edubuntu-desktop }}} For Edubuntu Desktop (KDE) {{{ apt-get -y install edubuntu-desktop-kde }}} == Extra Software == {{{ apt-get install (whatever other packages you want) }}} == Create Users == So far this new Ubuntu System doesn't have any users. so before we exit we need to make some. and also add some groups {{{ Work in progress to assign the correct user, groups, uid and gids }}} == Exit Chroot == {{{ apt-get clean rm -rf /tmp/* rm /etc/resolv.conf umount -l -f /proc umount -l -f /sys umount /dev/pts exit }}} That will allow you to enter that chroot and install packages, then clean up and leave. This is where you build your custom system using packages from the Ubuntu archives. == Install Grub == To install grub Replace the word USER with your username and run Run {{{ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/home/USER/UFS/disk --recheck '(hd1)' }}} and make ~/UFS/disk/boot/grub/menu.lst {{{ Place holder for valid Ubuntu menu.lst configuration file }}} ===== The End ===== ---- CategoryInstallation