
The quick, dirty, less-than-an-hour way of setting up an ubuntu home router with an integrated file server


This how-to outlines a very quick, very simple, and easy way to get a router with network attached storage up and running. It is not:


Before you begin


Plan out how are going to set up your machine. This is largely dependent on the number of hard drives you have. There are really lots of options here. Keep in mind that you may have to be careful if you plan on mirroring your / partition, if you don't to thing properly, your system may not boot.

Keeping with the quick, simple, and dirty nature of this how-to, these instruction will be for a 4 or 5 HD system with 2 NICs. There will be no performance tuning or advanced options addressed.


=== setup raid: ===

Routing the Lazy Way

Permissions on your media share / ssh for remote admin

EasyRouter (last edited 2011-05-16 15:53:40 by ug-uyst-s-0003)