||<>|| = Introduction = This page describes how to integrate [[ClamAV]] (virus scanner) and [[Exim4]] (mail server). = Required packages = You must have the following packages installed * exim4-daemon-heavy * clamav-daemon = Configuring Exim to use ClamAV = If you are using a split configuration file, create the file {{{/etc/exim4/conf.d/main/50_local_clamav}}} with the following content: {{{ CHECK_DATA_LOCAL_ACL_FILE = /etc/exim4/conf.d/local-acl av_scanner = clamd:/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl }}} Otherwise, insert those two lines into your exim4.conf. /!\ Note that the sample exim4.conf specifies an incorrect {{{av_scanner}}} path of {{{clamd:/tmp/clamd}}} Next, create the file {{{/etc/exim4/conf.d/local-acl}}} with the following content: {{{ deny malware = * message = This message was detected as possible malware ($malware_name). }}} == Restart exim4 == Reconfigure exim4 so that it picks up your changes. Normally, this is with the command {{{ # dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config }}} Accepting all the defaults should be OK. = Allow ClamAV to access the Exim mail spool = Add the {{{clamav}}} daemon user to the {{{Debian-exim}}} group, so that it can access the spool files. {{{ # usermod -a -G Debian-exim clamav }}} == Restart clamav-daemon == After changing the daemon's groups, you must restart the daemon so that it acquires the new groups {{{ # /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart }}} = Testing = Test your email server by mailing it a copy of [[http://www.eicar.org/anti_virus_test_file.htm|EICAR test virus (eicar.com)]] The mail server should reject the message immediately. = See Also = * [[ClamAV]] - The ClamAV anti-virus * [[Exim4]] - The Exim mail server ---- categoryInternet