=== finstall === 1. Download the finstall script with wget: {{{ cd ~ wget -c http://www.vendomar.ee/~ivo/finstall }}} 2.#2 Make the script runnable: {{{ chmod +x finstall }}} 3.#3 Start it: {{{ ./finstall }}} After the client is installed You can start/stop/... FAH client with ./foldingathome/folding script. For Example(s) {{{ ~/foldingathome/folding start or ~/foldingathome/folding stop or ~/foldingathome/folding status }}} For me this was all I needed as it automatically created the init scripts I needed to start after reboot. However the init scripts don't seem to work for everyone, so if you need to do it manually: 1. Make a file called foldingathome in the /etc/init.d directory: {{{ gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/foldingathome }}} 2.#2 Paste this in: {{{ #!/bin/bash # /etc/init.d/foldingathome for Ubuntu # Start the F@H service. pushd /home/YOUR_USERNAME_HERE/foldingathome/ su YOUR_USERNAME_HERE -c "screen -d -m ./folding start" popd }}} 3.#3 Save and exit 4. Make it start at boot time: {{{ sudo update-rc.d foldingathome defaults 99 }}}