Quick Start

For those of you who are running Ubuntu 8.10 or newer, and who want to get origami downloaded and installed as quickly and painlessly as possible, this section is for you.

To start off, you'll need to download origami to your computer. Just open a terminal, and run:

sudo apt-get install origami

Then to setup origami with your username and Team number:

sudo origami install -t TEAMNUMBER -u USERNAME

That's it! You're good to go!

If you do not have a TEAMNUMBER or USERNAME that you'd like to use, simply run without those options and origami will process your work units as an Anonymous contributor. (This setting can be changed later, if you like.) Note that TeamUbuntu, team 45104, is active and open.

PLEASE NOTE: This will be all that you need to do to start folding ASAP. However, it is still highly recommended that you review the installation options and other details below.


Origami is available from many sources, to make it easier for you to pick the right option for your specific needs. If you are not familiar with these options, or don't know which to choose, please install origami from the Ubuntu repository.

The bzr branch will always be considered the latest development. If you want to help test features and submit bugs, bzr branch lp:origami is what you want. If you prefer the stable version, use the repository package as described in the quick start or in the Repository section, or use the PPA.

Ubuntu Repository

Origami is available in the Ubuntu 8.10 and later repositories. Simply open a terminal, and run:

sudo apt-get install origami

Web Site (tar.bz2/tar.gz)

To download the latest version of origami (as of this writing, visit:

You can also use the 'wget' command to download the package:


Now you'll need to unpack the origami archive after you've downloaded from the above link. To do that run:

tar xf origami-latest.tar.gz

Then you'll need to copy origami to the /usr/bin/ directory:

sudo cp origami-latest/origami /usr/bin

Launchpad (bzr)

You can also checkout the latest builds via bzr on Launchpad:

bzr branch lp:origami

Then you'll need to copy origami to the /usr/bin/ directory:

sudo cp origami/origami /usr/bin

Ubuntu PPA (.deb)

Origami is also available in Ubuntu Personal Package Archive (.deb). The .deb packages are available for all currently supported versions of Ubuntu (Dapper, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, and Karmic). For Jaunty and Karmic, the PPA contains the latest version of origami (, while the others contain version 0.6.9

To use the Origami PPA, just add the proper entry below to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:


deb karmic main


deb jaunty main


deb intrepid main


deb hardy main


deb dapper main


This section contains all information that is pertinent to installing and setting up your Folding client(s). If you are looking to setup origami with certain options, or in a certain way, this is the section to reference.

Installation Options

Below is a list of options that can be used when setting up origami.

PLEASE NOTE: All of these flags are optional. If any (or all) of these are omitted at install time the installer will not ask you for them. It will default to the user "Anonymous", Team 0, i386 with no active cron scheduling, no proxy, no passkey and 'normal' packets.

Local Machine

To install to the local machine, optionally setting the TEAMNUMBER, FOLDINGUSER, processor, cron setting, proxy, passkey and packet size.:

sudo origami install -t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER -p (i386, smp, or amd64) -c (0, or 1) -P PORT -H HOST -k PASSKEY -s (small, normal, or big) -C (idle, or low)

EXAMPLE: So, if you would like to fold for Team Ubuntu, with the user name of bobsmith, and use 'big' packets, the installation command would look like this:

sudo origami install -t 45104 -u bobsmith -s big

Network Deployment

Install to any machine listed in the ~/.origamirc file, optionally setting the TEAMNUMBER, FOLDINGUSER, processor, cron setting, proxy, passkey and packet size:

sudo origami deploy -t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER -p i386|smp(|amd64) -c 1|0] -P PORT -H HOST -k PASSKEY -s (small, normal, big)

Origami Commands

This section contains information on all the commands available for origami. After installation, if you need to modify origami in any way, please read through this section.

Stopping & Starting Origami

To stop origami from running use:

sudo origami stop

Likewise, to start origami again, run:

sudo origami start

PLEASE NOTE: If you use the "origami stop" command and reboot, origami will still start up again on boot-up.

Changing User and Team

Update the TEAMNUMBER and/or FOLDINGUSER on the local machine. Default is 'Anonymous' and '0'.

sudo origami name -t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER

Update the FOLDINGUSER and TEAMNUMBER data on any machine listed in ~/.origami.

sudo origami network-name -t TEAMNUMBER -u FOLDINGUSER

Display Current Progress

Monitor the local status and progress of Folding @ Home work units:

origami status

For versions of origami older than

origami monitor

Monitor the status and progress of Folding @ Home on any machine listed in ~/.origamirc.

sudo origami network-monitor

Display Total Stats

Origami will display your total stats progress with a simple command. Origami pulls these stats from

origami stats

Backup Current Data

Backup your local Folding @ Home progress. Data saved to ~/.origami.

sudo origami archive

Backup Folding @ Home progress from any machine listed in ~/.origamirc. Data saved by hostname-date in ~/.origami.

sudo origami network-archive

Restore Backup

Restore your backed up Folding @ Home data to the local machine.

sudo origami restore

Restore your backed up Folding @ Home data to any machine listed in ~/.origamirc

sudo origami network-restore


Uninstall Folding @ Home from the local machine: USE WITH CAUTION

sudo origami erase

Uninstall Folding @ Home on any machine listed in ~/.origamirc. USE WITH CAUTION

sudo origami armageddon


This section is an ongoing work in progress. It will be updated when we come across questions that we feel would benefit the community. If you have a question that isn't listed here, feel free to join us on IRC at #ubuntu-folding on Freenode, or see the section below on how to give us your questions/feedback.

1) Is it possible to limit the CPU amount used by origami?

A) Within origami - no. However, you should be able to limit the amount of CPU usage with cpulimit.

2) I am running Jaunty 9.04, and origami does not auto-start during bootup. What is the issue here?

A) This is not a bug with origami. Many other programs that are supposed to auto-start fail to do so on Jaunty. There is an issue with usplash not allowing programs to auto-start correctly. This issue has been tested in 9.10, and it appears that this will not be an issue with the newer xsplash. For the time being, please either disable your usplash, or after Ubuntu boots up, run:

sudo origami start

Feedback & Reporting Bugs

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, bugs, etc. please report them on launchpad Origami on Launchpad.

About the Creator

I wrote origami to make Folding @ Home feel more native on Linux systems. I also very regularly work in lab environments where I have a number of machines at my disposal for testing. For this reason I created the deployment features for hands-off Folding @ Home deployment to multiple machines.

I am very actively developing this application at this point and welcome any comments and suggestions. -Christer Edwards

FoldingAtHome/origami (last edited 2011-08-09 08:42:36 by yusumac1)