<> ## packages ipx and ipxripd are not in the repos anymore ||<>|| = How to set up Gaming VPN using PPTPD = TODO. Working: * TCP/IP Current problem(s): * Only one IPX connection is accepted * Sometimes you must reconnect because pptpd/pppd gets into somekind of loop == Server, Linux == Packing and authentication (except plain text) is not used because it eats bandwidth. {{{ apt-get install pptpd ipx ipxripd }}} === File: /etc/ppp/options === File contains only these lines: {{{ lock #debug }}} === File: /etc/ppp/pptpd-options === File contains only these lines: {{{ name pptpd lock nodefaultroute nobsdcomp # change to your own DNS ms-dns ms-dns proxyarp netmask #IPX (todo) ipx ipx-network 4 ipx-node 1:0 ipx-routing 2 ipx-router-name Linux_router ipxcp-accept-remote # authentication: noauth nomppe nomppe-40 nomppe-128 #debug }}} === File: /etc/pptpd.conf === File contains only these lines: {{{ option /etc/ppp/pptpd-options logwtmp localip remoteip # 'listen' is not required necessary #listen }}} === iptables === Run this: {{{ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr }}} === File: /etc/ppp/chap-secrets === Add all VPN users to this file {{{ # client server password IP # separated with tab raspi pptpd awvb46bw7n "*" testuser pptpd fgf4wty475 }}} === Debugging === * /var/log/syslog * /proc/net/ipx/interface * /proc/net/ipx/route * /proc/net/ipx/socket * ip addr; ip route show table all; ip rule Services: * /etc/init.d/pptpd * /etc/init.d/ppp == Client, Windows XP == * Install IPX * Create VPN connection === VPN Settings (Windows) === Custom settings, check only PAP VPN-type = PPTP-VPN Negotiate multilink = ON TCP/IP = don't use gateway == Links == * [[http://poptop.sourceforge.net/|Poptop - The PPTP Server for Linux]] * [[http://poptop.sourceforge.net/dox/qna.html|Poptop Questions & Answers]] * [[http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8250|poptop (pptpd) mail archive]] * [[http://astrolog.offline.ee/linux/ppp-ipx.shtml|Linux: IPX over PPP]] * [[http://tipxd.sourceforge.net/|Tom's IPX Tunneling Daemon]] * #pptp @ FreeNode ---- CategoryGames CategoryVPN