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IconsPage/disc.png K9Copy is a program that allows you to copy DVDs (and other audio-video media) in Linux. It has the following features:

Homepage: http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/

IconsPage/warning.png Warning: As always, check the relevant copyright laws for your country regarding the backup of any copyright-protected DVDs and other media.

Installing K9Copy from the Repositories

K9Copy requires the multiverse repository - enable this in Software Sources


Search for the package k9copy in Synaptic, Adept, KPackageKit, or other package manager.

IconsPage/terminal.png Or, to install via terminal:

Using K9Copy

IconsPage/menu.png K9Copy should now appear under Menu -> Applications -> Sound & Video in Gnome (Ubuntu) or Menu -> Multimedia in KDE (Kubuntu) or XFCE (Xubuntu). You can also start K9Copy from a command-line terminal (or by pressing Alt + F2):


Quickstart guide

K9Copy works in both KDE and Gnome. To copy a normal DVD and shrink it down to 4.7Gb, set the input device to your DVD and output as ISO image. Open the video using the 'folder' icon at top left. Under the MPEG4 Encoding tab, select Video codec as copy. Ticking the 2 pass box will give a higher quality copy. Set file size to say, 4700MB (note that there have been reports e.g. that this value is sometimes slightly exceeded).

Select the title(s) of interest. Then press the circular to DVD icon. It will ask for a location to create the iso copy. Note that when it starts, it misleadingly says 'Burning DVD' - what its actually doing is creating the iso copy on the hard drive - rest assured the DVD is NOT being overwritten! A dvd can then be created from the resulting iso file with another program eg. Nautilus (right click on the iso) or K3b. Although k9copy can also burn the iso (or a DVD structure), using a separate program has been reported to be more reliable.

Tip: To preview the titles, highlight the title/chapter of interest and click on the 'movie camera' icon - only THEN can you use the stop/play buttons in the preview window.

If you wish to change the Menu structure (reauthor the DVD), you can use qdvdauthor.

Using k9copy with NTFS DVDs

When using k9copy as a front-end to mencoder (as the encoder), NTFS video can be accommodated by adding (or changing) this option to whichever Video codec you are using (in the "one pass", "first pass", and "second pass" sections):

-vf pullup,softskip,pp=lb,crop=$CROPWIDTH:$CROPHEIGHT:$CROPLEFT:$CROPTOP,scale=$WIDTH:$HEIGHT,dsize=$ASPECT,harddup

Other Resources


K9Copy (last edited 2017-09-26 20:28:16 by ckimes)