## Aggressive tags are a form of vandalism and are discouraged. ||<>|| = Introduction = Much of the documentation available at [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/]] will work just as well for Kubuntu as it does for Ubuntu. This is because Kubuntu is made up of Ubuntu's base plus KDE. Kubuntu users get a suite of free software from KDE. Since some of this software differs from that available by default in Ubuntu, Kubuntu-specific instructions will sometimes be needed. This page seeks to direct users to pages written specifically for Kubuntu. = Appearance = You can [[CustomizeKubuntu|customize]] the appearance of your desktop by tweaking the KDE settings. Most these settings can be reached through Appearance options of Kubuntu's System Settings. = Get Kubuntu = * [[https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu|Get Kubuntu]] = Installation Of Software = == About Repositories == * [[Repositories/Kubuntu]] == Install Languages In Kubuntu == * [[KubuntuLanguage]] == Install SKIM In Kubuntu == * [[SCIM/Kubuntu]] = Launch Applications On Startup = * [[KubuntuAutostart]] = Network = == Enable WPA In Kubuntu == * [[WifiDocs/WPAHowTo/Kubuntu]] = Optimization = For users with older, slower computers, [[KubuntuOptimization|optimize]] Kubuntu to get the most performance out of your machine. = Switch To Kubuntu = * [[FromUbuntuToKubuntu|From Ubuntu]] * [[FromGentooToKubuntu|From Gentoo]] = Upgrade = * [[MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10]] * [[NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 10.10 to 11.04]] * [[OneiricUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 11.04 to 11.10]] * [[PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 11.10 to 12.04]] * [[QuantalUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 12.04 to 12.10]] * [[RaringUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 12.10 to 13.04]] * [[SaucyUpgrades/Kubuntu|Kubuntu 13.04 to 13.10]] = Putting Kubuntu on a Flash Drive = * [[PuttingKubuntuOnAFlashDrive]] = Help Write This Page = Help make this page better by adding to it, reorganizing the information in it, or correcting it. See the [[WikiGuide]] to get you started. = See Also = * [[https://www.kubuntuforums.net/]] - Kubuntu forums. * [[http://www.kubuntu.org]] - Kubuntu home page. * [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users]] - kubuntu-users mailing list. = External Links = * [[http://kde.org/]] - KDE home page. ---- CategoryKubuntu