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The Last.fm scrobbler

Last.fm is a music service & social media network that learns what kinds of music you like. From that, it suggests new music and creates an ad-free, customized internet radio station according to your tastes. You can listen to your station by using the Last.fm Website, the Last.fm scrobbler, or through several different media players, such as Rhythmbox, XMMS, Noatun, and more.

Last.fm Scrobbler


The Last.fm Scrobbler is available in the Universe repository and can be installed using a GUI-based package manager or via your terminal. For a GUI-based install, simply perform a search for "lastfm" in Synaptic or the Ubuntu Software Center, mark the package for installation, and apply.

To install via terminal, open your terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and type:

sudo apt-get install lastfm

Install the ''lastfm'' package


After installation, you should be able to find Last.fm in your menu under Applications -> Sound & Video. If you want, you can also create a launcher on your panel:

  1. Right-click the desired panel
  2. Select "Add to Panel"
  3. Select "Application Launcher"
  4. Find Last.fm under "Sound & Video" and add

See more about HowToAddaLauncher


Last.fm offers several free "extras" that are built by its users. These extensions can allow you to listen to your station through a multitude of media players, find new music or other members who have similar tastes, integrate with social media and more. For a full list of these extras, see the Last.fm plugins page


Using Firefox, you can create your own radio stations.

http://www.last.fm/radio/ search for bands you like. This will then create a radio station that plays these bands, and similar tunes.

Firefox can also launch the player when it encounters lastfm: links.

Modified from the Last.fm FAQ http://www.last.fm/help/faq/?category=Radio#302:

Last.fm (last edited 2010-07-25 01:11:35 by adsl-99-29-33-125)