#title LinuxTestProject <> ## we have our own test team, is this information needed here ? ||<>|| = LTP - the Linux Test Project = The Linux Test Project is "a joint project started by SGI™ and maintained by IBM®, that has a goal to deliver test suites to the open source community that validate the reliability, robustness, and stability of Linux. The LTP testsuite contains a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features." == Installation == The ltp packages have been in the Universe repository since Dapper Drake, so you just need to run '''sudo aptitude install ltp''' to get it. This will also install ltp-commands-test, ltp-tools, ltp-kernel-test, ltp-network-test and ltp-misc-test. Strangely, you have to install ltp-disk-test separately. == Usage == In a terminal, run '''sudo ltpmenu''', which gives you an ncurses-based interface for the tests... == Websites == The main website is [[http://www.linuxtestproject.org/|here]] while the sourceforge website is [[http://ltp.sourceforge.net/|here]] ---- CategorySystem