## page was copied from UbuntuLTSPKarmicLocalAppsFirefox ## page was copied from UbuntuLTSP/LTSPLocalAppsJaunty Parent: [[UbuntuLTSP]] ## Use this header to specify which versions your page is applicable to: ||This page is specific to Ubuntu versions 10.04, 9.10?|| ''If you find this information applicable to additional versions/releases, '''''please''''' edit this page and modify this header to reflect that. Please also include any necessary modifications for this information to apply to the additional versions.'' ---- This page is simply an addendum to anyone who has joined their LTSP server to a Windows Active Directory Domain and is trying to get Local Apps to work. By default, the domain separator in likewise-open5 is a \. However, this is a special character in Unix and causes problems in the Local Apps configuration scripts. In order to circumvent this issue, one may change the domain separator from \ to a -. This change should allow Local Apps to work, as well as making logging into the server easier (e.g. domain-user instead of user@domain.edu/com/org). Procudeure: If you are using a version of likewise-open previous to 5.4 then you simply change the /etc/likewise-open/lsassd.conf file. Change the line that reads {{{{ domain-separator = \ }}}} to {{{{ domain-separator = - }}}} After making this change run {{{/etc/init.d/lsassd restart}}} and you are ready to go! ---- If you are using likewise-open 5.4 (or later) then you must use the likewise-open registry. To change the domain separator, run this command at a terminal: {{{ lwregshell set_value '[HKEY_THIS_MACHINE\Services\lsass\Parameters\Providers\ActiveDirectory]' DomainSeparator "-" }}} Then run {{{/etc/init.d/lsassd restart}}} and you are ready to go! ## Use this footer to get the page to appear in the categories list ---- CategoryLtsp