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This page documents the procedure to install Lotus Domino (version 6.5) on Breezy Badger.

If you find any errors/changes to this document please feel free to write to <KetanPadegaonkar [at] gmail [dot] com>


You will need to fetch the following rpms from a RedHat/CentOS mirror:

To install the rpms you'll need to install alien as root:

# apt-get install alien

To install the above rpms:

# alien -i /path/to/the/compat/rpms/*.rpm


Install Lotus Domino server as mentioned in the Domino manuals.

Startup and Shutdown Scripts

Use the following parameters to startup the domino server. Note that the server 'must' be started as the notes user, not as root.

DOMINO_USER is the name of the user that the server runs under. DOMINO_BIN is the path to the domino binaries.

To startup

# nohup su - $DOMINO_USER -c "$DOMINO_BIN/server  >> $DOMINO_HOME/logs/$LOGFILE 2>&1 &" > /dev/null

To shutdown

# su - $DOMINO_USER -c "echo Y | $DOMINO_BIN/server -q;echo"

CategoryInternet CategoryInstallation CategoryNetworking CategoryOffice

LotusDomino (last edited 2011-06-10 23:05:23 by 157-157-186-230)