#refresh 1 https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/ #title Documentation <> ## This page is what we want users to think of as the most memorable page of the lubuntu wiki. think of it as a portal {{{#!wiki warning Please note: Many of the following links are no longer maintained and thus deprecated. Lubuntu used the LXDE desktop up to and including Lubuntu 18.04 LTS where the following links will apply. For modern releases (Lubuntu 18.10 and later) with the LXQt desktop you should instead refer to [[ https://lubuntu.me | Lubuntu.me ]]. }}} || Welcome to the Lubuntu Help/Support Wiki! || ##||<-3> This is the place to find how-to info specific to Lubuntu and Lubuntu Apps. || || [[Lubuntu | {{attachment:what_is_lubuntu2.png | What Is Lubuntu?}}]] <
> [[Lubuntu | What Is Lubuntu?]] || [[http://www.lubuntu.me | {{attachment:lubuntu_homepage2.png | Lubuntu Homepage}}]] <
> [[http://www.lubuntu.me|Lubuntu Homepage]] || [[Lubuntu/GetLubuntu | {{attachment:get_lubuntu3.png | Get Lubuntu}}]] <
> [[Lubuntu/GetLubuntu | Get Lubuntu]] || || [[Lubuntu/Setup#Applications | {{attachment:applications_in_lubuntu2.png | Applications in Lubuntu}}]] <
> [[Lubuntu/Setup#Applications | Applications in Lubuntu]] || [[Lubuntu/Setup | {{attachment:configuration_and_setup2.png | Configuration & Management}}]] <
> [[Lubuntu/Setup | Configuration and Setup]] || [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | {{attachment:installing_the_system2.png | Installing the System}}]] <
> [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation | Installing the System]] || || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved | {{attachment:team_lubuntu2.png | Team Lubuntu}}]] <
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved | Team Lubuntu]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs | {{attachment:reporting_bugs2.png | Reporting Bugs}}]] <
> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/ReportingBugs | Reporting Bugs]] || [[Lubuntu/Support | {{attachment:community_support3.png | Community Support}}]] <
> [[Lubuntu/Support | Community Support]] || * Some Lubuntu subsystems are documented in much more detail at the [[Applications |Ubuntu documentation]] ##~- Thanks to http://ubuntuusers.de for our new icons! -~ ---- ##Just putting in a site map so some assets are more visible. This list really shouldn't be more than 10 entries long, but that's a task in the future? ~+Site Map+~ * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides]] *[[Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels]] * [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Screencasts | Screencasts]] * [[LubuntuLinks]] * [[Lubuntu/InstallingLubuntu]] * [[Lubuntu/Alternate_ISO]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/AlternateInstall]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall]] * [[Lubuntu/PreviousReleases]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/CheckISO_CD]] * [[Lubuntu/InstallLubuntuFromHardDisk]] * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions/before--after | Boot Options]] * [[Lubuntu/Setup]] * [[Lubuntu/Keyboard]] * [[Lubuntu/Mouse]] * [[Lubuntu/Monitor_or_Screens]] * [[Lubuntu/Theming]] * [[Lubuntu/Video]] * [[Lubuntu/3rdParty]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/CustomizingTheClock]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/EditingTheMenu]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/UpgradeToLubuntu]] * [[Lubuntu/Networking]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/LXTerminal]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/LanguageSupport]] * [[Lubuntu/PCManFM]] * [[Lubuntu/Boot_Install_Login]] * [[Lubuntu/Windows]] * [[Lubuntu/Documentation/LanguageSupport]] ## * [[Lubuntu/KeyServerInformation]] ## [[Lubuntu/Documentation/RemoveOldKernels]] ## [[Lubuntu/Documentation/removeLubuntuDesktop]]