<> = Internal Communications = ||<>|| == Press Releases - Drafts == '''Please follow the same structure from previous attempts.''' === Lubuntu Press Kit === 1. [[FeatureDefinitionFreeze|Feature – Definition – Freeze]] (4 Months prior to release) a. '''''What's going to be new in the upcoming release?''''' a. '''''What kind of updates are we doing?''''' a. '''''Are we changing anything special? (for example: change of the DE → LXQt?)''''' a. '''''Are we planning anything special like a contest for wallpapers etc.?''''' a. '''''What will be our main goal for this release?''''' 2. [[FeatureFreeze|Feature-Freeze]] (3 months prior to release) a. '''''“Half-Time”-Report: How are things going? Anything unexpected during the latest period?''''' a. '''''The Updates we planned to include: Are they all going to come? If not → Why not?!''''' 3. Final Beta Freeze (1 Month PRIOR to Release Day!!!) a. '''''Statement by Release-Manager & Head of Dev: Did everything go as expected?''''' a. '''''Did we have to skip any planned things from #1?''''' a. '''''What's the latest “news” about the release?''''' a. '''''What can users expect from this release we're talking about?''''' 4. One Week before Release a. '''''Prepare wiki-page for online and offline press-statement''''' a. '''''copy prepared announcement into wiki-area (which need to be prepared by wiki team!)''''' a. '''''upload PDF for LoCos and other interested parties to download''''' 5. At Release Day a. '''''Let prepared wiki-page (from task 4a) go “live”''''' a. '''''link to it via social media ([[ https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial|Twitter]], [[https://www.facebook.com/Lubuntu.Official.Page?fref=ts|Facebook Page]], [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/lubuntu.official|Facebook Group]], [[ https://plus.google.com/communities/102737741860934586009|G+ Community]])''''' == Press - Artwork ==