(X) This wiki should be considered unmaintained and deprecated, though some information may still be relevant. Please instead refer to Lubuntu.me.

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Can't find the tool you need?
Having problems with network weirdness, or your computer screen? Get support for hardware.
Remember, besides the desktop, most systems are shared with Ubuntu and Xubuntu.


Workarounds and Guides

The old pages are at Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides and Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Workarounds


Lubuntu has several options for installing software.

  1. Synaptic Package Manager is a more technical package manager

  2. GDebi package installer to install downloaded deb software packages.

  3. apt-get

  4. Lubuntu Software Center is a user-friendly "App Center"

    • LSC does currently not list apps in the Ubuntu Apps Showdown, or apps for purchase.
  5. Ubuntu Software Center can be installed by installing this package: software-center

If Removing a Program asks to remove lubuntu-desktop? Can I do so?
"I want to remove package xyz, and it wants to remove lubuntu-desktop" Yes, you can remove it. Please read this.


Change Font Size in Interface

To change the font that window text appears in, you will have to look in different places for different windows.

  1. Use the LXDE preference menu to Open "Openbox Configuration Manager" in 12.04 and later, click "Appearance" tab.
  2. Right click on the bottom panel and select "Panel Settings" to change the panel font size
  3. Use the LXDE preferences menu to open "Customize Look and Feel". Click the Widget tab.
  4. Change the taskbar font size here.

Install and view fonts in Lubuntu

On this page it instructs you to press alt-f2 and type
gksu nautilus /usr/share/fonts/truetype
But, for Lubuntu which has a different file manager, PCManFM, you should press alt-f2 and type
gksu pcmanfm /usr/share/fonts/truetype

The window that opens is a place for you to place your font files into. You will need to unpackage them to place each .ttf or .otf file in here.
(Optional) afterwards, do this command:
sudo fc-cache -f -v

Alternatively, you can install a tool to install or view fonts in Lubuntu, install this package:

Synaptic Package Manager has a convient listing of fonts you can install from the trusted repositories in section on the left sidebar and lists fonts.

Boot, Install, Login, Logoff

Here is HowToPartition your PC.
How to Burn an downloaded ISO of Lubuntu.
How to install and run Lubuntu off a USB flash drive.
Edit "Launcher" menu and More topics here.

Add LXDE to Ubuntu

Installed Ubuntu and want to add LXDE and all Lubuntu packages?

Can't login, or need a new way to logout? look here.
Problems booting or installing?

Find Version of Lubuntu

Need Lubuntu Version number? Open "System Profiler and Benchmark" under the "System Tools" submenu. Click "Operating System" and even though it gives the version number for Ubuntu, this is your version number.

Windows, Desktop, Taskbar, LXDE

Use the Print Screen (PrtScn) button on your keyboard to save a screenshot of your current desktop to your home folder. Press Alt-PrtScn to take a snapshot of just the active window and not the entire screen.
Read Lubuntu/Windows for how to change the bottom panel, start menu and etc. To configure the bottommost desktop window, see Lubuntu/PCManFM


Where is your HomeFolder?
Explore folders, find files.

Keyboard, Mouse, Trackpad

See Keyboard, and Mouse

Time and Language

How to change the taskbar clock format: Lubuntu/Documentation/CustomizingTheClock

Add keyboard layouts, Localized language interface, and Date and Currency formats: Lubuntu/Documentation/LanguageSupport


Info about Lubuntu Networking

Configure your automatic network connection by going to the "Preferences" Menu and opening "Network Connections" or by right clicking nm-applet's 'Edit connections'. See Network Manager and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager0.7/

Sharing files? See Lubuntu/Setup#Share_Files_and_Folders
Need an VNC server? See Lubuntu/3rdParty


Sound should work in Lubuntu automatically. Although not included in Lubuntu, Pulseaudio can be installed if you need it.
Unless you have Pulseaudio, you will have to select audio devices with asound, and control volume with the "Volume Control" panel applet or the alsamixer command from the command line.
Read about alsamixer here or here. People with no sound should look here. Most Lubuntu sound troubleshooting is done in the command line.

Sound Preferences

There is no "Sound Preferences" in Lubuntu, but there is in Ubuntu.

Playing Audio CDs

Insert the audio CD. It should mount automatically. At this point you can play the CD by opening with PCManFM and opening audio tracks with Mplayer, or you can open audacious and choose "Play CD" from the Audacious menu.

Testing Sounds with Sound Recorder

Looking for a GUI sound recorder application to test your microphone or headset? Install this software package:
or install gnome-media without pulseaudio with:

sudo apt-get install gnome-media --no-install-recommends

Change Default Sound card

If you would like to change the default sound card: look here.

Checking Pulseaudio

You may find packages with 'pulse' in their name on your system. to check if pulseaudio is currently running do:

pgrep -l pulseaudio

which will list a process named 'pulseaudio' if it is running, or not list it, if it is not.

If you would like install the pulseaudio layer onto Lubuntu, please see Pulse Audio Pulseaudio can help if you're having difficulty configuring USB headphones, Skype, or need to increase volume past 100%

Video and Graphics

Lubuntu/Video how to play your videos. Lubuntu/Monitor_or_Screens how to fix issues with monitors and brightness.

Installed Tools

System Tools



There may come a time, especially when trouble-shooting, when you need to launch any of the applications listed below from the command line rather than by selecting it from a menu. Here's a small one-liner to generate a list of application names and their associated commands. This one-liner will cover only those programs that have .desktop files in /usr/share/applications:

sed -nrs '/^\[Desktop Entry\]/d;/^(\[|Name=|Exec=)/p;${g;p}' /usr/share/applications/*.desktop > ~/Desktop/Names-n-Commands.txt

When you run the command given above from a terminal, it will create a list of application names paired with their respective commands in a text file called Names-n-Commands.txt and this file will be on your Desktop for ready reference.


Sound & Video






Fixing Your Third Party App

Some tweaks for 3rd-party applications here.

Coming from Windows

What is eating half my RAM? is a common question.

Running Windows Programs

Lubuntu can run some Microsoft Windows® programs with Wine. I suggest rebooting after installing this package: playonlinux
For help running programs in Wine, go here.


Defragmenting Not in Lubuntu.


Do you need anti-virus scanning software in Lubuntu?


Lubuntu isn't running any network services by default (very secure, no?) but Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) is a firewall you can install onto Lubuntu if you need it.

Clean System

You can remove installed software by Opening Synaptic Package Manager and clicking on the "Status" button on the bottom-left.


Check Hardware

Smartmontools#Testing_a_Drive and http://systester.sourceforge.net/ to test your CPU. Booting into GRUB or the LiveCD, there is a RAM tester. The gnome-disks program also graphically can detect SMART data for self test on hard and solid state drives from the settings button in the upper right corner. This will even work in the live session.

Lost Password

When you installed Lubuntu, you should have given it a supervisor password for the default user. here is how to recover the password if you have forgotten it.

Share Files and Folders

Would you like to share files on your network? Lubuntu's Lubuntu/PCManFM can easily connect to your Microsoft Windows® file shares. If you need to share files from Lubuntu, you should install and configure Samba or NFS from the command line.
Let me say it again, if you want to share your Lubuntu files with Win7, please follow the Samba Server Guide


Edit the Menu


Change Look and Appearance



Lubuntu/Setup (last edited 2021-05-04 04:40:22 by guiverc)