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Ask for Help & Support

You are asking for Help and Support because you did not find what you are looking for on Google or Google Ubuntu Search Engine. It is important to start from there as you may find the answer that you need without waiting for someone else to provide you with the same answer.

Please read Community support Overview

Mailing List

As Described above.

Ubuntu Forums

Ubuntu Forums has many sections divided as per the categories and the nature of the content.

Please remember to use the Lubuntu prefix when posting, this will ensure a faster response to your thread. This is very important so please don't forget that.

LXDE Forum

Now, there is a dedicated area on LXDE Forum for Lubuntu - Please, see this.

LXQt Forum

You may also use the LXQt forum for questions about LXQt components.

Live Chat

You can ask any Ubuntu question in our text live chat channel. What is IRC?

General Lubuntu Support is #Lubuntu on Freenode.net IRC. We need more volunteers here, if your question is not answered, wait another 30 minutes before reposting. Please read the guide to asking questions: "How to get help on IRC"

For more information, please see IRC Documentation.

Ask Ubuntu

Do you have a specific question with a specific answer?
Ask on Ask Ubuntu. Tag your post with Lubuntu.

See Also

Facebook Group

This is NOT a support channel but rather to be used as a channel where you can find news, updates, tips, etc. Lubuntu Official Group on Facebook is a general areas for us to meet and hang out, please do not use it for support questions.

Lubuntu/Support (last edited 2021-05-04 04:48:37 by guiverc)