||<>|| = MacBook 5,2 and Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) = This page aims to describe the steps needed, to fully enable all features of the '''5.2 White Macbook''' (release date: early 2009) when using '''Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid'''. You can check here if you own this model: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacBook#Model_specifications|on wikipedia]], [[http://support.apple.com/kb/SP504|on apple.com]]<
> <
> You can find out what model you have in OSX, System Profiler If you have a different model, please go [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook]] and find the right wiki. == Overview == Anything not mentioned here probably already works out of the box. If not, please refer to the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=328|Ubuntu Apple Users forum]]. ||Feature|| Support status|| || Sound ||{{attachment:IconsPage/warning.png}} || || Suspend || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || Hibernate || {{attachment:IconsPage/dont.png}} || || Shutdown || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || ACPI, power management, etc || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Shell/CTRL-ALT-Fn || {{attachment:IconsPage/warning.png}} || || Reboot || {{attachment:IconsPage/dont.png}} || || Desktop Effects (Compiz) ||{{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Keyboard functions (Brightness,volume,...) || {{attachment:IconsPage/warning.png}} || || CD/DVD Writing || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || Bluetooth || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || External Monitor || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Wireless (Air``Port) || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}}|| || iSight || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Touchpad (appletouch) || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Apple Remote Control || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Firewire|| {{attachment:IconsPage/question.png}} || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} (works out-of-the-box) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} (works perfectly, but needs a little job) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/warning.png}} (works, with remarks) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/dont.png}} (won't work - please post if you have hints)<
> {{attachment:IconsPage/question.png}} (not yet documented - please post if you can test)<
> == Basic Installation Instructions == Common things about installing and maintaining Ubuntu on Intel-based Macs: [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation|Intel CPU-based Macintosh Generic Installation Instructions]] == Wireless (AirPort) == To enable wireless you need to install the restricted Broadcom STA driver. Open System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and choose Broadcom Sta. == Desktop Effects (Compiz) == You probably want to enable the proprietary graphics driver. Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and choose the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest version). == Touchpad == thanks to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=10;att=0;bug=576456 You should disable the mouse plugin in gnome-settings-daemon, since gnome-control-center can't handle every possible touchpad setting via gnome-mouse-properties. Open a terminal and type {{{ gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/mouse/active false }}} Then, create this file: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/99-x11-synaptics.fdi {{{ synaptics /dev/psaux auto-dev true 100 1120 50 310 5 20 100 150 180 20 50 0.49 0.78 0.0010 false 1 3 2 true false true false false true }}} If you want you can change these settings in order to reach your preferred config. Check man synaptics to find all options and tuning. == Keyboard functions == Volume Up, Volume Down, Volume Mute, Eject will work out-of-the-box. Adjusting the screen brightness works out of the box with the default free graphics driver. But when you install the restricted NVIDIA graphics driver, it won't work. There is a repository [[https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa]] with the package nvidia-bl-dkms, but this don't work for me. == ACPI, power management, etc == ..now writing.. == Shell/CTRL-ALT-Fn == Switching to shell with CTRL-ALT-Fn will work only with defaults free graphics driver. With NVIDIA proprietary drivers this won't work. If anyone has a solution, please post. == External Monitor == Works fine with proprietary NVIDIA graphics driver, you just need to configure it with the nvidia-settings tool - no reboot is needed. You can find it in System -> Administration. == Sound and Headphones == I get these working only with some settings in file /etc/modprobe.d/options - you may need to create it. If you use this, you get poor sound quality but headphones working (you need to reboot) {{{ options snd_hda_intel model=mbp3 power_save=5 }}} If you don't want to reboot, you can: * close all audio applications * unload the module snd-hda-intel typing a couple of times in a terminal {{{ sudo killall pulseaudio && modprobe -r snd-hda-intel }}} * and than reload the module with this command {{{ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=mbp3 power_save=5 }}} If you want good audio quality but NO headphones working, you can instead use this in the same file as above, and than reboot - or if you don't want, you can do as before: {{{ options snd_hda_intel model=acer-aspire-7730g power_save=5 }}} === Microphone === The internal microphone works with both settings as in the section above. == Suspend/Hibernate == Suspend works out of the box. Hibernate won't work. If someone has some hints, please post :). == Remote Control == You have to install gnome-lirc-properties from repositories, and configure it following the wizard, choosing Apple Mac Mini IR Receiver with Custom remote control. Then go in System -> Preferences -> Infrared Remote Control, unlock the window, choose autodetect and select the IR receiver. Now you can test it: in the bottom of the window, you can see if you remote control works. Then change the file /etc/lircd.conf.gnome into this: {{{ begin remote name Apple_A1156 bits 8 eps 30 aeps 100 one 0 0 zero 0 0 pre_data_bits 24 pre_data 0x87EE81 gap 211982 toggle_bit_mask 0x0 ignore_mask 0x0000ff01 begin codes KEY_VOLUMEUP 0x0B KEY_VOLUMEDOWN 0x0D KEY_PREVIOUSSONG 0x08 KEY_NEXTSONG 0x07 KEY_PLAYPAUSE 0x04 KEY_MENU 0x02 end codes end remote }}} Now, create and make executable two files in your home directory-I created them in the "script" directory: they will let you adjust audio volume from shell: script/volume_up {{{ #!/bin/bash A=`pacmd dump | grep "set-sink-volume " | cut -d " " -f 3` B=$((A + 0x01000)) if [ $(($B)) -gt $((0x10000)) ] then B=$((0x10000)) fi pactl set-sink-volume 0 `printf "0x%X" $B` }}} script/volume_down {{{ #!/bin/bash A=`pacmd dump | grep "set-sink-volume " | cut -d " " -f 3` B=$((A - 0x01000)) if [ $(($B)) -lt $((0x00000)) ] then B=$((0x00000)) fi pactl set-sink-volume 0 `printf "0x%X" $B` }}} This two scripts are useful to control your audio level from the shell or in a script. If they don't work because you have some esoteric configs, maybe you can adjust them on line 3 - take a look at the output of the command {{{ pacmd dump }}} in line beginning with "set-sink-volume" and adjust line 3 accordling. Now, you have to create a file like this (this is my own config, you can change it according to your preferences) in your home directory: .lircrc {{{ begin rhythmbox begin prog = Rhythmbox button = play config = playpause end begin prog = Rhythmbox button = pause config = pause end begin prog = Rhythmbox button = forward config = next end begin prog = RhythmBox button = backward config = previous end begin prog = RhythmBox button = fw config = seek_forward end begin prog = RhythmBox button = bw config = seek_backward end end rhythmbox begin prog = irexec button = volup config = $HOME/script/volume_up repeat = 2 end begin prog = irexec button = voldown config = $HOME/script/volume_down repeat = 2 end begin prog = irexec button = play config = rhythmbox-client end begin prog = irexec button = menu config = rhythmbox-client --set-rating 2 end }}} and last add and enable the command "irexec --daemon" in System -> Preferences -> Session Properties (gnome-session-properties, from shell) - this will run irexec every time you log in into your home session and execute your favourite commands when you press something on your remote control. With this .lircrc file: * Pressing Play/Menu will start rhythmbox, if it is not already running * Pressing vol+/vol- will change system volume * Pressing Play will play/pause playback, if rhythmbox is running * Pressing forward/backward will change song, if rhythmbox is running * Pressing menu will rate with two stars the current song, if rhythmbox is running You can change it as you prefere. ---- [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryMac|CategoryMac]] ---- <
> ||{{attachment:IconsPage/users.png}}<
> Please update this page, if you have figured out anything, that is not mentioned here!|| <
> ||{{attachment:IconsPage/users.png}}<
> The [[http://ubuntuforums.org/group.php?groupid=352|MactelSupportTeam]] is about to restructure and reorganize the documentation for Intel-based Macs. If you are interested in helping, please visit our [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam|team page]] for information. For all Mactel wikis, there is a starting place [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages|here]]. There is also a [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=969360|thread]] about planning the Mactel docummentation going on. || <