||<>|| = MacBook 5,2 and Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) = {{attachment:IconsPage/terminal.png}} You can find out, what model you have by typing at the terminal:<
> {{{ sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name }}} If you have a different model, please go [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages|here]] and find the right wiki. == Overview == Anything not mentioned here probably already works out of the box. If not, please refer to the [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=328|Ubuntu Apple Users forum]]. ||Feature|| Support status|| || Wireless (Air``Port) || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}}|| || Desktop Effects (Unity) ||{{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Touchpad (appletouch) || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Keyboard functions (Brightness,volume,...) || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || Fans ||{{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || Sound ||{{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Suspend & Hibernate || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || CD/DVD Writing || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || Bluetooth || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} || || External Monitor || {{attachment:IconsPage/question.png}} || || iSight || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} || || Apple Remote Control || {{attachment:IconsPage/question.png}} || {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} (works out-of-the-box) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/ok.png}} {{attachment:IconsPage/info.png}} (works perfectly, but needs a little job) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/warning.png}} (works, with remarks) <
> {{attachment:IconsPage/dont.png}} (won't work - please post if you have hints)<
> {{attachment:IconsPage/question.png}} (not yet documented - please post if you can test)<
> <
> == Basic Installation Instructions == Common things about installing and maintaining Ubuntu on Intel-based Macs: [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleIntelInstallation|Intel CPU-based Macintosh Generic Installation Instructions]], but remember that rEFIT supports this Mac``Book only from 0.12.<
> If you don't get the option to install grub to /dev/sda3 during the installation as suggested in the installation instructions see this thread: [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1576028]] If the system does not boot via the refit menu, try using the built-in bootcamp chooser (reboot while holding the alt-key down).<
> Also remember to edit the boot parameters and add maxcpus=1 so you will be able to boot == Wireless (AirPort) == Works out of the box :) == Desktop Effects (Unity) == You probably want to enable the proprietary graphics driver. Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and choose the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (latest version). == Trackpad == Left-click, right-click (two finger)use and basic trackpad work out of the box. To enable two finger scrolling and tap to click: * '''System''' -> '''Mouse''' -> '''Touchpad''' Fill in circle for Two-finger scrolling and if you want horizontal scrolling check that box as well. == Keyboard functions == All keys works out of the box, even with NVIDIA drivers. Screen Brightness keys works but doesn't shows the sun slider popup. If you install nvidia-bl-dkms the popups shows, but starts working a bit odd. I still prefer without it. == Fans == Working fine == Sound == Standard sound works out of the box but you need to make a configuration change to get the headphones to work. You will need to edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and add the following line to the bottom of the file: * options snd-hda-intel model=mb31 == Suspend/Hibernate == Suspend works out of the box. Hibernate not tested yet == Webcam/iSight == The built-in webcam works following this simple howto: [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleiSight|AppleiSight]] == Remote Control == Not tested yet ---- [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryMac|CategoryMac]] ---- <
> ||{{attachment:IconsPage/users.png}}<
> Please update this page, if you have figured out anything, that is not mentioned here!|| <
> ||{{attachment:IconsPage/users.png}}<
> The [[http://ubuntuforums.org/group.php?groupid=352|MactelSupportTeam]] is about to restructure and reorganize the documentation for Intel-based Macs. If you are interested in helping, please visit our [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam|team page]] for information. For all Mactel wikis, there is a starting place [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages|here]]. There is also a [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=969360|thread]] about planning the Mactel docummentation going on. || <
> '''Note: ''' Document was created with help from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook5-1/Natty