[[http://moodle.org/|Moodle]] is a complete online learning system (or Learning Management System, LMS). It is one of the most widely used servers for online curricula. == Installation == * See the [[http://docs.moodle.org/en/Step-by-step_Installation_Guide_for_Ubuntu|Moodle]] installation instructions for Ubuntu. == Integration with other servers == A functional [[http://www.dualcode.com/bigbluebutton/index.htm|plugin for BigBlueButton]] teleconferencing exists. (Also see the [[http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=144776&parent=632387|Moodle help page]] for this module.) == Other resources == * [[http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Moodle_tips|(K)Ubuntuguide Moodle Guide]] ## * [[http://www.kubuntuguide.info/index.php/Moodle_tips|Kubuntuguide Moodle Guide]]