Beware that the following packages are not free but if you're facing problems with the freeNX packages, it may be a good solution:

Setting up Nomachine NX packages on Ubuntu is now quite easy:



  1. Launch Ubuntu desktop or the server edition and install ubuntu-desktop
     sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop 
  2. Download the Nomachine NX packages for Ubuntu ( (versions as of 2011-07-25)

  3. Install the packages all at the same time: client, node, server
    sudo dpkg -i nxnode_3.5.0-3_i386.deb nxserver_3.5.0-4_i386.deb nxclient_3.5.0-7_i386.deb


By default, the SSH key is a shared key amongst all NX clients. This is OK, but if you want added security, generate your own unique key as follows.

Additional Potential Steps for Consideration

SSH Password Login

  1. You might need to enable password login into SSH. We can do this by editing SSH configuration:
    sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    1. Configure the following values:
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    UsePam yes

SSH Allow NX

  1. If you have restricted SSH with AllowUsers you need to add nx to the list:


  1. Install the client on your local machine.
  2. Start it either via Applications/Internet/NX Client for Linux/NX Connection Wizard or via cmd line;

      /usr/NX/bin/nxclient --wizard &
  3. Enter the hostname and so on till you get prompted for login.
  4. Enter your username and password.
  5. Import the new nx key by:
    1. Downloading the new DSA key from the server:

       scp ''SERVERNAME'':/usr/NX/share/keys/default.id_dsa.key \
    2. Then click on Configure..., then Key under General and then on Import.

    3. Find the file ''SERVERNAME''.id_dsa.key and click save, save then Ok.

  6. Login should now hopefully work....


NomachineNX (last edited 2014-02-26 15:02:24 by cpc5-seac19-2-0-cust76)