
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a network protocol for accessing and manipulating information stored in a directory.

Services built on the LDAP protocol are used to serve a wide range of information. The protocol is well-suited to serving information that must be highly available and accessible, but does not change frequently. Common applications include:


This page describes the installation, configuration and administration of OpenLDAP. It supplements the Server Guide that is available as part of the the official Ubuntu documentation. This page targets system administrators in need of a more thorough understanding of OpenLDAP and its advanced configuration. This page also contains information on deploying OpenLDAP on Ubuntu versions older than 8.04 (Hardy Heron).

Warning: Errors have been reported in the Ubuntu 9.10 OpenLDAP Server Guide. See bug 463684 for details. The documentation issues have been resolved in a more recent Server Guide. Information on configuring OpenLDAP in Ubuntu 9.10 is also available in a forum thread.

To configure OpenLDAP in Ubuntu 8.04, follow the instructions on this page, convert the directory to the dynamic cn=config configuration scheme described in, then follow the Ubuntu 8.10 OpenLDAP Server Guide. Note: The replication setup described on this page is not applicable.


Refer to the Ubuntu Server Guide and the slapd-config manpage for basic installation and configuration instructions.

Note: The default installation of OpenLDAP in recent versions of Ubuntu (from at least 10.04, Lucid Lynx) use the new runtime configuration (RTC) system. Much of the information on the Internet about configuring OpenLDAP refers to modifying /etc/ldap/slapd.conf; this information does not apply directly to the RTC. See the following section for notes on key differences.

The RTC configuration is stored in the /etc/ldap/slapd.d/ directory. The directory server's configuration can be modified by editing the files in this directory and restarting slapd, but it is also possible to modify the server configuration in real-time by changing the configuration entries in the special RTC DIT cn=config with the tools in the ldap-utils package (ldapadd, ldapmodify, et cetera), just as if you were dealing with a regular DIT.

RTC Configuration Notes

Dapper and Below

Note: These instructions are superseded by the instructions in the Ubuntu Server Guide for versions of Ubuntu newer than 8.04 (Dapper Drake).

  1. Install the OpenLDAP server daemon (slapd):
    $ sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils db4.2-util
  2. Enter your domain and the directory administrator's password. Do not use root password here.

  3. Generate an encrypted password with slappasswd:

    $ slappasswd
    New password:
    Re-enter password:

    This example shows the output of encrypting the password "secret"--result will vary.

  4. Set directory's root password in the configuration file (instead of in the directory) by pasting the encrypted password into /etc/ldap/slapd.conf:

    # Edit or add these directives after the first 'database' directive.
    suffix          "dc=example,dc=com"
    directory       "/var/lib/ldap"
    rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
    rootpw          {SSHA}d2BamRTgBuhC6SxC0vFGWol31ki8iq5m
  5. Apply the changes by restarting slapd:

    /etc/init.d/slapd restart

Populating the Directory

Once OpenLDAP is installed and function, it's time to begin populating it with information.

Note: If a UID is defined in the LDAP directory and also on the local system, unexpected behaviors can result. To avoid collisions between local UIDs and the UIDs of users defined in the LDAP directory, it is generally advisable to assign UIDs to LDAP users in a non-standard range such as 5000-8000 (local UIDs start at 1000 by default).

Creating a DIT with the RTC System

To create a new DIT "from scratch", a database entry must be made in the RTC DIT. This is equivalent to adding a new database section in slapd.conf in the old configuration system. Once the database entry is made, the DIT can be populated in the usual way, with slapadd and such.



  1. Create an LDIF file containing the new database entry and access controls. Below is a simple example--the Ubuntu Server Guide contains more elaborate examples.

    Note: the long olcAccess lines must not be broken by a newline. Take care your text editor does not automatically insert them.

    dn: olcDatabase=hdb,cn=config
    objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
    objectClass: olcHdbConfig
    olcDatabase: hdb
    olcDbDirectory: /srv/ldap/example
    olcSuffix: dc=example,dc=com
    olcAccess: {0}to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange by self write by anonymous auth by  dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write by * none
    olcAccess: {1}to dn.base="" by * read
    olcAccess: {2}to * by self write by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write by * read
    olcLastMod: TRUE
    olcRootDN: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
    olcRootPW: {SSHA}tXptpxDkVTlwYHJcas70oR/5XmTJ1+Yj
    olcDbCheckpoint: 512 30
    olcDbConfig: {0}set_cachesize 0 2097152 0
    olcDbConfig: {1}set_lk_max_objects 1500
    olcDbConfig: {2}set_lk_max_locks 1500
    olcDbConfig: {3}set_lk_max_lockers 1500
    olcDbIndex: objectClass eq
    The new database will be numbered automatically by OpenLDAP.
  2. Update the RTC system using ldapadd:

    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f example.ldif

    If everything is in order, ldapadd will print the following:

    SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
    SASL username: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth
    SASL SSF: 0
    adding new entry "olcDatabase=hdb,cn=config"

    If the database creation is successful, a new file will appear in the /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/olcDatabase{N}hdb.ldif, representing the new database. The integer N is incremented by 1 each time a new database is added.

  3. Populate the new database as desired. Refer to the Ubuntu Server Guide for details.

Dapper and Below

Note: These instructions are superseded by the instructions in the Ubuntu Server Guide for versions of Ubuntu newer than 8.04 (Dapper Drake).

The following section outlines a basic directory tree that is intended to be very compatible with POSIX accounts (for use on *nix systems), address books, and classic accounts (for web applications). This configuration is a starting point; the applications of LDAP are virtually limitless.

The LDAP directory manipulation tools support a standard file format know as LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF). We will use this format to create the initial directory structure.

Start by creating a file init.ldif:

dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dc: example
ou: Example Dot Com

dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: admin
description: LDAP administrator
userPassword: <password>

dn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: groups

dn: uid=lionel,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: shadowAccount
uid: lionel
sn: Porcheron
givenName: Lionel
cn: Lionel Porcheron
displayName: Lionel Porcheron
uidNumber: 1000
gidNumber: 10000
userPassword: <password>
gecos: Lionel Porcheron
loginShell: /bin/bash
homeDirectory: /home/lionel
shadowExpire: -1
shadowFlag: 0
shadowWarning: 7
shadowMin: 8
shadowMax: 999999
shadowLastChange: 10877
postalCode: 31000
l: Toulouse
o: Example
mobile: +33 (0)6 xx xx xx xx
homePhone: +33 (0)5 xx xx xx xx
title: System Administrator
initials: LP

dn: cn=example,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: example
gidNumber: 10000

dn: cn=example2,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: example2
memberUid: lionel
gidNumber: 10001

Here the directory structure, a user, and group have been defined. Examples elsewhere on the Internet may include objectClass: top in every entry; this is not necessary because every object is automatically inherits from this abstract object class.

As with the LDAP root password, passwords can be generated with slappasswd using the MD5 or CRYPT hashing scheme. See the slappasswd manpage for details.

For fresh installations of OpenLDAP, load the LDIF file into the directory as follows.

  1. Make sure the slapd daemon is running:

    sudo /etc/init.d/slapd start
  2. Load the initial data:
    sudo ldapadd -x -W -c -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -f init.ldif

If the LDAP directory already contains data that can safely be removed, follow this procedure instead.

  1. Stop the LDAP daemon:
    sudo /etc/init.d/slapd stop
  2. Delete the existing content:
    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/ldap/*
  3. Add the new content:
    sudo slapadd -l init.ldif
  4. Correct permissions on the database files:
    sudo chown -R openldap:openldap /var/lib/ldap
  5. Restart slapd:

    sudo /etc/init.d/slapd start

The ldap-utils package contains useful tools for querying and manipulating LDAP directories. Here we search for the user we created with ldapsearch:

$ ldapsearch -xLLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" uid=lionel sn givenName cn
dn: uid=lionel,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
cn: Lionel Porcheron
sn: Porcheron
givenName: Lionel


OpenLDAP supports very detailed and configurable logging with its loglevel directive (olcLogLevel for the cn=config configuration method). See for a detailed explanation of this directive.

It can be difficult to strike a good balance between verbosity and readability. Loglevel 424 can be useful for debugging, but may not be the best setting for a production environment as it may cause sysklogd to "lock up" the system on boot.


Access Control

It is generally necessary to restrict access to sensitive data in the directory (such as user passwords). The default configuration is usually sufficient, restricting access to the userPassword and shadowLastChange attributes. More sophisticated ACLs are possible, see for a thorough treatment.

Note: The Zytrax book provides instructions for static slapd.conf configuration method instead of the RTC configuration method. To modify the ACLs of a dynamically configured LDAP directory, use ldapmodify and add/modify/remove olcAccess entries.


In many configurations, OpenLDAP transmits sensitive user information (usually passwords) over the network. This transmission should be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. The simplest method is SSL/TLS encryption.

To implement SSL/TLS encryption, you will need a certification authority to sign your certificates. You can use one of the public Certificate Authorities, or create your own.1

Recent Ubuntu releases ship with a version of OpenLDAP that is compiled with support for GnuTLS, instead of the more common OpenSSL, due to concerns about the freedom of the OpenSSL license. Both toolkits provide the same basic functionality, but GnuTLS is easiest to use on recent Ubuntu releases.

You will need:

Copy the public certificate and the private key to a file directory such as /etc/ldap/ssl (the exact directory is largely a matter of preference, as long as it is in the /etc/ directory, and accessible by the OpenLDAP service).

Tighten the file access permissions on the key and certificate as follows:

sudo chown root:ldap <certname>
sudo chown root:ldap <keyname>
sudo chmod 640 <keyname>

Configuring TLS in OpenLDAP

  1. Edit the slapd.conf file and include the following lines in the global configuration section (replacing the bracketed placeholder names with the path to the appropriate file):

    TLSCACertificateFile </etc/ldap/ssl/ca_certname>
    TLSCertificateFile </etc/ldap/ssl/certname>
    TLSCertificateKeyFile </etc/ldap/ssl/keyname>
  2. Restart slapd

  3. If you are using OpenSSL, test the SSL response:
    openssl s_client -connect SERVER-NAME:389 -showcerts
  4. Test TLS connections on a client (see next section).
  5. Once TLS connections are functional and tested, modify the access control lists and security policies to require it. To require an encrypted connection to bind, add an olcSecurity: tls=128 attribute to the database or DIT branch that requires encryption.

To require encryption in statically configured installations, use the following directive in slapd.conf:

The 'security' directive can be applied globally, or in the scope of a DIT. See

OpenLDAP supports fine-grained control over the encryption requirements for various operations. See the sections on olcSecurity attributes in the slapd-config manpage for details.

Client Configuration

  1. If you maintain your own Certificate Authority, deploy the Certificate Authority's certificate in /etc/ssl/certs

  2. Edit /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and include the following lines (replacing "SERVER-NAME" & "YOUR-BASE" with the correct values):

    URI     ldap://SERVER-NAME
    TLS_REQCERT allow
  3. Test the encrypted connection using ldapsearch -ZZ (add the -x switch if SASL is not in use).


It is never wise to trust unverified encryption, so be sure to verify the encryption once it is deployed using a packet analyzer such as Wireshark.

  1. Run ldapsearch with the -ZZ switch. This forces ldapsearch to utilize transport-layer encryption.

  2. Disable all encryption.
  3. Use a packet analyzer to verify the packets in the un-encrypted connection is readable. This will provide a baseline that the encrypted traffic can be compared against.
  4. Enable encryption.
  5. Verify the same traffic is now unreadable using a packet analyzer.

Kerberos Authentication

Kerberos is a trusted third-party authentication solution. It provides many of the key benefits of TLS, with more manageable authenticity guarantees and password hygiene. Like TLS, Kerberos provides service authentication, but does not require transport layer encryption since it obviates the need to store user passwords in the LDAP directory. For a more thorough discussion of Kerberos vs. TLS/SSL, see

OpenLDAP uses the Cyrus SASL pluggable authentication framework to interface with Kerberos. A minimal description of this configuration is available at The following section provides a more complete description of this configuration.

Note: if you deploy OpenLDAP with Kerberized authentication in a SingleSignOn environment and restrict LDAP access to authorized users, each SSO-enabled host must be able to authenticate to the LDAP directory without user intervention. nss-pam-ldapd provides this service. See SingleSignOn for details.


Install and configure Kerberos integration with SASL as described on the Kerberos wiki page. Be sure to run the sample client and server tests before proceeding.


To utilize Kerberos, OpenLDAP must know some general details about the Kerberos realm and KDC. Also, it is frequently necessary to map the Distinguished Name (DN) of an authorized Kerberos client to an existing entry in the DIT.

The olcSaslRegexp attribute (or the saslRegexp directive in slapd.conf) establishes maps between SASL DNs and DIT entries. As an example, in the configurations below, the Kerberos user bob (with DN uid=bob,cn=<Kerberos Realm>,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth) would be mapped to the DN uid=bob,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.

It may be necessary to modify the directory's Access Control Lists if the saslRegexp mappings are modified.


For OpenLDAP instances configurable by RTC, add the following attributes to the cn=config DIT:

#The FQDN of the Kerberos KDC.

#The Kerberos realm name
olcSaslRealm: EXAMPLE.COM

#disallow insecure authentication mechanisms such as plain passwords
olcSaslSecProps: noplain,noactive,noanonymous,minssf=56

#by default, the DN of an authorized Kerberos client takes the form
#uid=<Kerberos principal name>,cn=<Kerberos Realm>,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth
#adjust the following mappings to match the local configuration as necessary
olcAuthzRegexp: {0}"uid=([^/]*),,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth" "uid=$1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
olcAuthzRegexp: {1}"uid=host/([^/]*),,cn=gssapi,cn=auth" "cn=$1,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com"

#administrative user map, assumes existence of cn=admin,cn=config
olcAuthzRegexp: {2}"uid=ldap/admin,,cn=gssapi,cn=auth" "cn=admin,cn=config"


For statically configured instances, add the following to slapd.conf and restart slapd.

#The FQDN of the Kerberos KDC.
#The Kerberos realm name
sasl-realm EXAMPLE.COM

#disallow insecure authentication mechanisms such as plain passwords
sasl-secprops noanonymous,noactive,noplain,minssf=56

#by default, the DN of an authorized Kerberos client takes the form
#uid=<Kerberos principal name>,cn=<Kerberos Realm>,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth
#adjust the following mappings to match the local configuration as necessary
saslRegexp uid=([^/]*),,cn=GSSAPI,cn=auth uid=$1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
saslRegexp uid=host/([^/]*),,cn=gssapi,cn=auth cn=$1,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com

#administrative user map, assumes existence of cn=admin,cn=config
saslRegexp uid=ldap/admin,,cn=gssapi,cn=auth cn=admin,cn=config

Keytab Location

If the keytab for the LDAP service is stored in a keytab other than the default system keytab, add or modify the following line in /etc/default/slapd:

# For Kerberos authentication (via SASL), slapd by default uses the system
# keytab file (/etc/krb5.keytab).  To use a different keytab file,
# uncomment this line and change the path.
export KRB5_KTNAME=/path/to/keytab

Restart slapd to apply the new configuration, even if the dynamic cn=config configuration method is in use; the environment variable exported in /etc/default/slapd will not take effect until the service is restarted.

Client Configuration

Add the following lines to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf to use Kerberos authentication as the default authentication mechanism for ldap-utils (e.g. ldapsearch). Replace "EXAMPLE.COM" with the name of your Kerberos realm.



To test Kerberos authentication, obtain a Kerberos TGT with kinit, then use the ldapsearch tool with the -Y GSSAPI option to force the use of the GSSAPI authentication mechanism:

$ ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI

LDAP replication

LDAP services can quickly become a critical dependency of core services such as authentication, authorization, and mail. High availability is important in such scenarios. The availability of LDAP services can be greatly improved with redundant LDAP servers.

Redundancy in OpenLDAP is effected with a master-slave replication scheme. The master is the authoritative source of information about the LDAP directory. Each slave replicates the information in the master and serves it to clients on request.

Fortunately, replication is simple to setup. The following section describes the process. The Ubuntu Server Guide for recent version of Ubuntu contains useful information on this subject as well.


  1. Configure the master server to enable replication to the new slave server.
  2. Restart the replica server's slapd process.
  3. Export the database of the master server.
  4. Configure the slave server.
  5. Import the database of the master server on the slave server.
  6. Restart the master server's slapd process.

Info <!> Modifications to the LDAP directory MUST be made on the master server. Modifications made on the slave will be lost.


  1. Modify the database section of the /etc/ldap/slapd.conf or cn=config to add a replica directive. The following example shows a replica on, accessible by user Manager with secret as password. The replication logfile stores modifications before they are send to the LDAP slave.

    replica uri=ldap:// binddn="cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" bindmethod=simple credentials=secret
    replogfile      /var/lib/ldap/replog
  2. If a static slapd.conf configuration is used, restart the master server to update the server configuration:

    user@master:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/slapd start
  3. Export the database of the master using slapcat.

    user@master:~$ sudo slapcat -l master.ldif
  4. Copy the LDIF file generated in the previous step to the slave using scp or suchlike.


  1. Configure the slave to authenticate to the master by adding the following lines to /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file (or cn=config) in the database section:

    updatedn        cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
    updateref       ldap://
  2. Import master.ldif using slapadd:

    user@slave:~$ sudo slapadd -c -l master.ldif
  3. Restart the server:
    user@slave:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/slapd start

Samba Integration

The definitive guide to using LDAP with Samba, "Chapter 6 of the Samba-3 Guide", is a bit long and not for the faint of heart. Luckily, Matt Oquist created the smbldap installer that works well with Ubuntu (tested by MarkChang on Dapper). Following the instructions on the smbldap homepage should give you a working server and client.

LDAP Authentication in Apache

Note: this Section is tested on 7.10 (Gutsy)

  1. Enable the Apache LDAP Module
     user@server:~$ sudo a2enmod authnz_ldap
  2. Edit the Apache site for which LDAP authentication is needed. Here the default site is used:
     user@server:~$ vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
    Add the following lines:
     <Location /secret>
      AuthBasicProvider ldap
      AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
      AuthLDAPBindPassword "test"
      AuthLDAPURL  "ldap://,dc=example,dc=com?uid"
      AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on
      Require ldap-group cn=vips,ou=groups ,dc=example,dc=com
      AuthType basic
      AuthName "secret"

    AuthLDAPBindDN: This line is very important because the password must not be visible for anonymous connections to the ldap server.

    AuthLDAPURL: This is the main LDAP search string.

    Require ldap-group cn=vips,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com: This line restricts access to users from the group vips. Use Require valid-user to allow access to all users that can successfully authenticate to LDAP.

  3. Create the LDAP groups referenced in the configuration file if necessary. You can create such a group easily with phpldapadmin:
    1. Simple Login.
    2. Expand the Root and the Group field.
    3. Click on the star beneath the Last Existing Group (labeled "Create new entry here").
    4. Select Default and click Next.
    5. Select groupOfUniqueNames in the objectClass List (Container auto-fill with ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com).

    6. in the field RDN add for example cn=vip to name your group "vip".
    7. Proceed.
    8. Add the first Member in the uniqueMember field. The member must be in dn syntax (for example uid=lionel,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com).
    9. Click Create.
    10. Now you can add further People to this group by pressing the "(add value)" Link beneath the uniqueMember.

      If there is no green arrow left in front of the username, you entered an incorrect DN and it will not work.

      Tip: Use the magnifier icon next to the username to open an LDAP navigator.

More information is available in the mod_authnz_ldap documentation:

Host-based Authentication

See LDAPClientAuthentication.

Administration Tools


GUI Administration Tools


  1. Fedora: cd /etc/pki/tls/certs && make slapd.pem (1)

OpenLDAPServer (last edited 2013-06-13 14:24:36 by mapreri)