#title Glossary of Graphics Terms ## EDITORS: This page is intended to provide simple definitions of graphics/photography terms that users may come across. Avoid jargon at all costs! ||<>|| == AB == * '''Background''' <
> The background is the part of a picture which is furthest away from you. See also ''Foreground''. == CDE == * '''Digital Zoom''' <
> Digital zoom is when a digital camera makes an object seem bigger by cutting out surrounding parts of the picture. This is useful if you are far away from the object you want to take a picture of and don't want to include any of the surroundings in your picture. However, digital zoom reduces the ''resolution'' (quality) of the picture because it just removes parts of it. It is preferable to use ''optical zoom'' instead. * '''Edit''' <
> Editing is the process of changing a photo or a drawing. For example, ''photo editing software'' would be used to make changes to photos. == FGH == * '''Filter''' <
> When referring to editing a picture, a filter is a tool which changes the picture in some way. For example, a brightness filter would allow you to change how bright a picture looks. * '''Foreground''' <
> The foreground is the part of a picture which appears closest to you. See also ''Background''. * '''Graphics Application''' <
> A graphics application is a computer program which is used to view, edit or design pictures ('graphics'). * '''Greyscale''' <
> Greyscale is when a picture is 'black and white'. Black and white photos are actually made up of many different shades of grey. == IJK == * '''Image''' <
> An image is a picture, such as a photo or a drawing. The term 'image' is used as an umbrella term for different kinds of picture. == LMN == * '''Noise''' <
> Noise is the pattern of unwanted speckles you normally find on pictures. It is caused by various effects, and is difficult to remove or minimise. It can make photos look grainy. == OPQ == * '''Optical Zoom''' <
> Optical zoom is a type of zoom on a digital camera. Optical zoom uses a lens which can move to make objects seem closer or further away. It does not reduce the quality of a zoomed image (compare with ''Digital Zoom''). * '''Pixel''' <
> A pixel (''picture element'') is a tiny dot which is a building block of a picture on a computer. Pictures on computers are made up of a grid of pixels. Each pixel has a colour and brightness, and by looking at thousands of pixels at once, you can see a detailed image on a computer screen. Other devices, such as digital cameras, scanners and printers work in terms of pixels. See ''Resolution'' for more information. * '''Printing''' <
> Printing is the process of taking a photo or document which is stored on a computer and making a copy of the document on a piece of paper. To print a document, you must have a device called a ''printer'' plugged-in to your computer. A printer sprays ink onto a piece of paper to make the copy of the document. == RST == * '''Resolution''' <
> Resolution is a measure of how much detail you can see in a picture. In general, higher resolutions mean that you can see more detail, and so higher resolutions should result in a better quality picture. However, other factors can limit the usefulness of having a high resolution. * '''Slideshow''' <
> A slideshow is when a series of pictures (slides) are shown on a screen. This used to be done with a slide projector, but now can be done on a computer screen. Slideshows are a good way of showing a collection of pictures on your computer to other people. * '''Smudging''' <
> Smudging occurs when you print out a photo onto paper but don't let the ink dry first before touching it. This causes the ink to smudge/smear, which normally ruins the printed photo. Always give the ink a couple of minutes to dry before touching a printed photo. * '''Tag''' <
> A tag is a word used to describe a photo, which makes it easier to organise your photos. For example, if you had a picture of a flower, you could add the tag 'flower' to it. Then, when you search in your photos for 'flower', that photo will be found in the search results. ''F-Spot Photo Manager'' is able to add tags to photos. == UVW == '' No definitions in this section yet.'' == XYZ == * '''Zoom''' <
> Zoom can have different meanings: * When referring to a digital camera, zoom lets you change how close an object appears to the camera. Zooming-in on an object will make it look bigger on a picture. See ''Digital Zoom'' and ''Optical Zoom'' for more information. * When referring to a picture, zoom is how big the picture appears on screen. For example, a zoom of 100% would show the picture at actual size, whereas 50% zoom would show it at half of its original size. Zooming in (closer) and out (further away) allows you to see more or less detail in a picture.