
PhpBB3 is a web forum application which runs on apache, mysql and php. With it, you can host your own forum site.

This How-To has been tested on Ubuntu 9.10

LAMP Installation

Use any method to install the LAMP stack packages:


select LAMP and follow instructions

Set a mysql-root password (not the same as a root password, but a password for mysql)

You should now have a functional LAMP stack.

Visit Apache PHP MySQL for more information on LAMP.

Enable the Universe repository

For install on 9.10 use default repository

Install Phpbb3

Use any method to install the following package:

sudo apt-get install phpbb3 

The installation of that package will also install the phpbb3 package and perform all the database configuration for you. You will be prompted for the mysql root user password (not the same as the root user, but the mysql's user named root)

Run this command to make the forum accessible through the web server

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpbb3/www /var/www/phpbb 

Please read /usr/share/doc/phpbb3/README.Debian for more details.

You may need to reload apache's configuration if you have not done so since installing LAMP. Do this if you get a message about the PHP environment not having support for a database.

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


Everything should now be installed and ready to go.


The PHPBB3 webpage should display that the forum is disabled.

username = admin
password = admin

Note: Also, don't forget to change the admin password as well.

Alternative to manual installation

Some users may prefer to skip manual installation by using the unofficial pre-integrated TurnKey phpBB Appliance based on Ubuntu LTS.

PhpBB3 (last edited 2010-10-13 00:30:04 by adsl-76-226-148-114)