## page was renamed from NewDocs/HomePage
#title NewDocs/HomePage
#format wiki
#language en
You have landed in the NewDocs team wiki. This is the place where the NewDocs contributors cooperate and communicate about the development and maintenance of the project.

NewDocs is an alphabetical index of the most popular Ubuntu Documentation Pages, with links to the actual documentation pages, created by some of the regular contributors of the Ubuntu Forums.<<BR>>
NewDocs aims not only to be a learning medium and resource tool, regardless of the user's degree of knowledge of the Ubuntu/Linux universe, but also a versatile and fast work tool, as it enables faster searches and is user friendly.

If you are looking for some information on how the project was initially conceived, born and took its first steps, a discussion thread for it can be found [[http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2110857|here]].

If you are looking for our development mailing list, please navigate to the [[https://lists.launchpad.net/newdocs/|NewDocs mailing list page]].

