These tips are meant to help you on your way to breaking in Ubuntu. The tips found here are meant to be quick and easy to execute, and provide a small but marked difference in how Ubuntu operates. The tips should also not be overly simple, such as changing the desktop background, but rather be along the lines of changing how Ubuntu reacts. The important thing to remember is that whatever it does, it needs to make life easier in some way.

Tip #1 Hide Recent Documents



First, go to Places -> Recent Documents -> Clear list.

Then, open a terminal and type:

(This is add an "immutable" attribution to your recently-emptied list.)


Tip # 2 Change Ubuntu Logo to Another image on Panel


Copy image to your PC

From Command line

Tip #3 Keychain - Manage ssh keys


Command line

Edit File

Tip #4 Check for and fix filesystem errors on boot


Edit File

Please note

For Ubuntu you should instead use gksudo. Example:

Tip #5 Some Gnome & Nautilus Tricks

Gnome and its file manager, Nautilus, have some interesting, useful but hard to discover tricks built in. Here is a short selection:


Tip #6 Change the Default program

Sometimes for whatever reason, the default program that opens when we double click a file is not the one we want.

Check first

Changing the Defaults

Extra step

Final Step

QuickTips (last edited 2011-04-12 01:40:15 by cpe-65-27-41-216)