1. Setting up an Ubuntu Wired/Wireless Router

1.1. Preface

This article is intended for intermediate and advanced users who would like to set up an Ubuntu installation acting as a router at home or in their office. The end result is a powerful router that can provide functionality similar to popular products (for example, the Linksys WRT54G).

1.2. Scripted wired:wired router

I (user id Snake_Byte) created a python script a while back that sets up a wired router for you given some basic info (check the readme).

Tested on Karmic and Lucid, let me know if you have any problems. I want to start a GUI project to make this simpler, and incorporate wireless features if anyone is interested, we can get a repo going.

[Note added: The script included in this page at the link below assumes different addresses than on the rest of the page and MUST BE EDITED to replace the assumed IP address and range for your private network, and to remover the examples, before use. Furthermore, for recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu, the assumed dhcp3-server must be replaced by a more modern server, such as isc-dhcp-server, and all references to dhcp3 and dhcp3 should be replaced by just dhcp once you do so. Thus you should LOOK OVER ALL OF THE CONTENTS of the directory tree after unpacking the tar file - so not just blindly execute it before doing so.]

You can get it here:

ubuntu router.tar

1.3. Network Manager

This tool is perfect for simple networking problems, especially for laptop users. It is not appropriate for setting up a router, even though it does have a very basic internet connection sharing capability.

1.3.1. Typical Example

Home Office

The basis is one PC connected to a broadband internet connection. Additional devices:

Some of these devices should be able to communicate with each other, some should be allowed to communicate with the internet. Some are wired, and some are wireless. With this guide, your PC can share the internet over additional network interfaces, such as wireless cards and ethernet cards.


Single PC on a university LAN. Additional devices: Quick and Dirty

If you would like to try to do the same thing the 'quick and dirty' way, see EasyRouter, a much quicker method with much less flexibility.

1.4. Technical Overview

The router that will be created is an Internet gateway for wired and/or wireless clients to share an internet connection with one IP address.

The essential components are:

This router can also provide:

2. Prerequisites

2.1. Internet Connection

This is not strictly necessary, but is probably the reason you are following this article. You can set up a router in an isolated network using these instructions, but you will likely have specialist requirements, and need to make changes.

2.2. Router Hardware

2.2.1. Use your desktop PC

If you have a recent PC, bought in the last two years, it probably has enough horsepower to run all your normal applications and act as a router at the same time.

2.2.2. Dedicated Hardware

You'll need a dedicated computer to act as the router. The computer can use old hardware and having the minimum requirements to install Ubuntu should suffice. The author of this article runs his router on a P3 600mhz processor with 256MB of RAM. You are encouraged use this as a server for other applications perhaps by installing postfix, apache, mysql, and/or samba. This guide recommends a server installation of Ubuntu, but there's no reason why a desktop installation wouldn't work. If you plan to be able to access the router remotely, install ssh before proceeding.

The following needs to be physically installed and recognized by the kernel on your router:

Running ip addr will show you what network interfaces are available.

2.2.3. Terminology

interface is used to mean the operating system's name for a place which sends or receives data packets. It is often, but not necessarily, the same as a device. An interface may have several devices associated (e.g. a bridge), or a single device may have several interfaces. device will refer here to the bit of hardware dealing with your network connections.

3. Internal Network Information

Here are the values we'll use to set up your internal network. Advanced users use caution when changing them as the changes will need to be reflected in all further router configuration.

Firstly, discover the IP address of your internet-connected interface. If you are plugged into a business or academic LAN, this is very likely to be given by:

ip addr show eth0

For a home broadband user, it may be a ppp interface; and a wireless user could have any number of interface names, such as ethX, wlanX, athX, where X is a digit.

Be aware that it is important to use different numbers below to the one given to your internet device. This is probably the case already, but if you are not directly connected to the internet, you may be on a LAN with the same address range. If you already have a broadband router, for example, it might have given you the address, and kept for itself. If so, change the third digit (0) to another number (and do so throughout the rest of this tutorial).






Addresses -

Prefix length




4. Setting Up Your Network Interfaces

4.1. Device Naming Overview

Network Device

Internal or External Network




Network adapter connected to an external network (your broadband connection)



Network adapter connected to a hub or switch



Wireless network adapter



Network bridge between eth1 and wlan0 that will treat the two like one device

It is important to note that the names of the network interfaces above (eth0, eth1, and wlan0) are used as convention. It is very likely that your router will recognize its devices under different names (for example, madwifi calls its wireless device ath0). Please substitute the names of your device accordingly. For information about how to change the names of your network devices, try man iftab.

4.2. Taking a Backup

Issue the following command to take a backup of your current network configuration:

4.3. Configuring the External Network Interface

4.3.1. Setting up External Network Interface

Here, we configure the Ubuntu networking system to bring the the local loopback and external network interfaces up by editing /etc/networking/interfaces. The primary goal here is to set up your external network interface (eth0, or whatever you're using in place of it) to be brought up by the networking subsystem. The examples below are only for the most basic setups. If your setup requires additional configuration, for example you need to setup ADSL with PPPoE, adapt the following examples so that the end result is your external network interface connected to the Internet. For Dynamic IP Addresses (DHCP) Only

Open /etc/network/interfaces with your favourite editor. Delete everything and paste in what is below. Follow the commented out instructions carefully. For PPPoE connection with dynamic IP address only

See forum. For Static IP Address Only

Open /etc/network/interfaces with your favourite editor. Delete everything and paste in what is below. Follow the commented out instructions carefully.

Now, set up your DNS servers as given to you by your service provider in /etc/resolv.conf, which should look something like this

You can visit the Ubuntu Server Guide - Network Configuration documentation for more information

4.3.2. Testing Connectivity

Reload the network configuration and test for connectivity,

And if all goes well something similar should return:

4.4. Configuring the Internal Network Interfaces

4.4.1. Wired Only

Append the following to /etc/network/interfaces and follow the commented out instructions carefully.

Your internal network interface is: eth1 (or whatever you're using in place of it)

4.4.2. Wireless Only

If you plan on using WEP, generate a network key,

Append the following to /etc/network/interfaces and follow the commented out instructions carefully.

Your internal network interface is: wlan0 (or whatever you're using in place of it)

4.4.3. Both Wired and Wireless

First install the necessary tools to create a network bridge,

If you plan on using WEP, generate a network key,

Append the following to /etc/network/interfaces and follow the commented out instructions carefully.

Your internal network interface is: br0

4.5. Enable IP forwarding and Masquerading

Doing the above might not be enough to make the Ubuntu machine a real router which does NAT (Network Address Translation) and IP Forwarding. The following script configures the Kernel IPTable and IP forwarding. You will have to configure at least the script's 2 variables; the 1st is the external network interface; the 2nd is the internal network interface.

The script was originally from a Ubuntu router guide forum article which has 2 internal network interfaces. What's showing below uses only 1 internal network interface. You will have to modify the script manually or use the script in the Ubuntu router guide forum article if you need to configure 2 internal network interfaces.

After configuring the 2 variables, save the script below as nat.sh and make it executable by doing

Now, test the script by running as root

Investigate the messages from the console output to see if any error happened. If everything looks fine, use another host in the internal network to test if it can access the external network (presumably the Internet). A quick way to test is pinging Google public DNS from the console.

If ping responds, make our new script bootable so we don't have to run the script every time we restart.

As a final test, restart your computer and test to see if you still have the same functionality. If so then congratulations! If not then make sure you followed the above correctly so the script is bootable.

5. Firewall

See Router/Firewall

6. DHCP and DNS

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)


Router (last edited 2017-08-31 21:44:51 by ckimes)