
This document I will explain howto integrate the Fedora Directory Server. To learn howto install Fedora Directory server on Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) look at FedoraDirectoryServer. This howto assumes that you have a working installation of Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger).


At the end of this howto you will have fully working Samba Primary Domain Controller(PDC) with the FedoraDirectoryServer as it backend. You can store Domain Administrators, users, guests ,and computers of Your Windows network.


Before you continue this howto you need a working Fedora Directory Server installed. If you haven't done yet please refer to FedoraDirectoryServer to learn howto install it. In addition to Fedora-ds we need following packages have installed in your existing Ubuntu system. I will tell you howto, if haven't done yet.

Installing openldap Migration Tools

The package ldap-utils contains the migration utilities which I have used in this howto. To install it:

 sudo apt-get install migrationtools

Installing Samba

To install Samba:

sudo apt-get install samba

Samba-doc package contains samba.schema and we neet to insyall it.

sudo apt-get install samba-doc

samba.schema comes as a .gz file and we need to keep uncompress it before the next step. To uncompres:

cd /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/LDAP
sudo gunzip  samba.schema.gz

How FDS implements extending schemas

The following points explain how you FDS works with schemas

For this howto I am going to name our schema file as 61samba.ldif. We need to provide FDS with a schema it understands. This involves converting the provided /usr/share/doc/samba/LDAP/samba.schema to ldif format. There is a utility provided 3rd party that will assist in doing this which can be found at

Getting Schema Migration Perl Script

We can down load the third party script which is hosted at Redhat. To download it

 wget -c

You can view the source of this script at: FdsSchemaMigratePl

Converting Samba Schema

To convert samba schema:

sudo perl /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/LDAP/samba.schema > \ /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-<server>/config/schema/61samba.ldif

Once the above conversion is over we need to restart Fedora-ds admin server to make changes effect. To start admin server:


Replace <server> with your severname. For example, I use /opt/fedora-ds/slapd-dsmaster/restart-slapd

Howto created by: ChinthakaDeshapriya.

SambaFedoraDirectoryServerIntegration (last edited 2009-04-30 14:01:43 by adsl190-027000006)