

A number of assumptions were made regarding this tutorial, that may need to be changed to fit your environment:

How to share scanners using SANE daemon (saned)

Step 1: Set up your scanner on SANE first

Step 2: Tell SANE to run as a server (saned)

systemd only

upstart only

  1. We need to edit the file /etc/default/saned to tell the computer to start the saned server. To do that, we will run the following command from a terminal:

    sudo nano /etc/default/saned
  2. Look for the section that reads:

    # Set to yes to start saned
  3. Edit that so that it reads:

    # Set to yes to start saned
  4. Save, and close.

Step 3: Tell saned who to share with

  1. We need to edit the file /etc/sane.d/saned.conf to tell saned who to share with. To do that, we will run the following command from a terminal:

    sudo nano /etc/sane.d/saned.conf
  2. Look for the section that reads:

    ## Access list
  3. Assuming you don't need to control access to the scanner, we will add the line "" (share with everyone on the local network) after "## Access list":

    ## Access list
  4. Save the file and close.

Step 4: Clean up tasks

systemd only

upstart only

  1. Restart the saned service to get the new configurations by running the following command in a terminal:

    sudo service saned restart
  2. For Ubuntu 12.04 only, you will need to tell the computer to start saned automatically when the computer boots up by running the following command in a terminal:

    sudo update-rc.d saned defaults
  3. Check to make sure the saned service is up and running:

    sudo service saned status

    It should return something along the lines of:

    saned start/running, process 804
    If it does not, see the section on troubleshooting.

Setup saned clients

Setup Linux clients

  1. We need to tell the client computer where to find the saned server we want to connect with. To do that, we have to edit the file /etc/sane.d/net.conf by running the following command:

    sudo nano /etc/sane.d/net.conf
  2. Find the line that reads:

    ## saned hosts
  3. After that line, you need to add a line with the address of the Ubuntu system we installed the server on. That line will look like this:

    ## saned hosts
  4. Find the line that reads:

    # connect_timeout = 60

    and change it so that it reads:

    connect_timeout = 60
  5. Save the file and close.
  6. Open Simple Scan. It will take a few seconds for the auto-discovery to work, and then the scanner will populate in the menu. Alternatively, one may use XSane Image scanning program, either via the GUI menu, or from a terminal:

    and you should see you scanner.

Setup Windows clients

Setup Mac client

Troubleshooting sane daemon with upstart

Make sure your scanner works locally

Make sure the saned service is running

Test if the server can reach its own saned on localhost

Export the scanner to localhost

  1. Edit the saned.conf file by running the following command:

    sudo nano /etc/sane.d/saned.conf
  2. Look for the section that reads:

    ## Access list

    and add the following lines:

    ## Access list
    Save the file and close.

Tell SANE to use localhost

Test XSane

Check using XSane and command line options

Check the local connection with telnet

Manually check other configuration files (advanced)


/etc/hosts.allow & /etc/hosts.deny

Compiling Sane from GIT

Seeking further support

SaneDaemonTutorial (last edited 2019-06-24 03:32:02 by 5g3-steven-7tv)