#title Server Applications <> ||<>|| This page lists selected server software that can be used in Ubuntu. === Networking === * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/networking.html|Basic networking]] from the server guide * [[LinkAggregation]] - also known as Bonding or Trunking. ==== Authentication ==== * [[OpenLDAPServer|OpenLDAP server]] and [[LDAPClientAuthentication|LDAP client authentication]] - Authentication on an LDAP directory (server and client parts) * [[SettingUpNISHowTo]] - Authentication via NIS * [[ADAuthentication|Active Directory Authentication]] * [[Kerberos|Kerberos]] * [[DMZ host with SecurePass|SecurePass]] - One Time Password service for DMZ hosts and services ==== Wireless ==== * [[WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint|Wireless Access Point]] - Setting up Wireless Access Point * [[WifiDocs/WirelessBroadcastSystem|Wireless Broadcast System]] - Setting up LAN hotspot (no internet) === Web servers === * [[ApacheMySQLPHP|Apache PHP MySQL]] - Setting up a LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) web server * [[HighlyAvailableLAMP|Highly Available LAMP Server]] - Setting up a highly available Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP web server * [[RubyOnRails|Ruby on Rails]] - Setting up RoR (Ruby On Rails) * [[ApacheTomcat5|Apache Tomcat 5]] - Java Servlet 2.4 engine with JSP 2.0 support * [[Django]] - Setting up Django high-level python web framework === Web Applications === * [[WordPress|Blogging with WordPress]] - Blogging (web publishing). * [[Drupal]] - A robust content management system. * [[Joomla]] - Content Management System (CMS) that will help you build websites and other powerful online applications * [[Hive]] - How to set up a Digital Life Management System. Hive was formally known as Ubuntu Center. * [[PhpBB3]] - How to set up a PhpBB3 forum. * [[PunBB| PunBB forum]] - PunBB is a fast and lightweight PHP-powered discussion board. * [[MoinMoin]] - a powerful and highly configurable wiki. * [[MediaWiki]] - powerful wiki engine used by Wikipedia. * [[CMDBuild]] - An Open Source CMDB (Configuration and Management Database) * [[Moodle]] -- A Comprehensive Learning Management System (Online Curriculum) * [[MySQLMoodle|Moodle with MySQL]] - Installing Moodle with MySQL (alternative instructions) * [[Request Tracker]] - Set up Request Tracker (web based ticketing system) with email facility. === Teleconferencing === * [[BigBlueButton]] - A Complete Videoconferencing and Desktop Sharing platform === Mail, Groupware, and Chat Servers === * [[MailServer|Email]] - The starting point for mail servers - covers the different software used, how they relate together, and more. * [[Mailman|Mailing List Server]] - Set up your own mailing list server with Mailman, as used on the Ubuntu mailing lists! * [[Horde4 Mail And Groupware Server]] - Setting up a basic Horde4 installation on Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS * [[KolabMailServer|Groupware with Kolab]] - Setting up this complete mail and calendar server system. * [[LotusDomino|Lotus Domino]] - Setting up Lotus Domino groupware server. * [[IrcServer]] - Set up an irc server. * [[Dancer-IRCD]] - Set up Dancer-IRCD server * [[SettingUpJabberServer]] - Set up a Jabber server. * [[EmailAlerts|Email Alerts]] - Send email alerts from Ubuntu Server using ssmtp. === DNS === * [[BIND9ServerHowto|BIND]] - Setting up a DNS server with BIND * [[DynamicDNS|Dynamic DNS]] - Setting up Dynamic DNS for your computer or LAN. === Proxy Servers === * [[Squid|Squid]] - Squid * [[SquidGuard|SquidGuard]] - SquidGuard * [[Pound|Pound]] - Pound Reverse Proxy Server (Run servers on multiple computers on a LAN using a single router and IP address) * [[ApacheReverseProxy|Apache Reverse Proxies]] - Using Apache2 as a Reverse Proxy Server (Run servers on multiple computers on a LAN using a single router and IP address) === Database === * [[MYSQL5FromSource|MySQL 5.0]] - Setting up a MySQL 5.0 server in Ubuntu * [[PostgreSQL|PostgreSQL quickstart]] - Setting up a PostgreSQL 8.1 server in Ubuntu * [[Firebird2.5|Installing Firebird 2.5.x]] How to install and set Firebird 2.5.x server in Ubuntu * [[Firebird3.0|Installing Firebird 3.x]] How to install and set Firebird 3.0 server (This is Beta and only for testers) * [[JDBCAndMySQL|Installing JDBC for MySQL 5.0]] Install and setup of Java Database Connectivity for MySQL 5.0 * [[UsingJavaDatabaseConnectivityAndOpenOffice|Using MySQL, JDBC and OpenOffice]] Using Java Database Connectivity, MySQL and OpenOffice * [[Servers/Ingres| Ingres 2006]] - How to build, install and set up an Ingres 2006 server in ubuntu. === File Server === * [[SettingUpNFSHowTo|NFS Server]] - Setting up Ubuntu as an NFS server. * [[HighlyAvailableNFS|Highly Available NFS server]] - Setting up a highly available NFS server. * [[SettingUpSamba|Samba Server]] - Setting up Ubuntu as an Samba server. * [[SettingUpSambaPDC|Samba Server as PDC]] - Setting up a Windows Domain Controller. * [[iFolderEnterpriseServer]] - Setting up an iFolder server. * [[SettingUpGPFSHowTo|GPFS Cluster]] - Setting up a GPFS Cluster. * [[Apache2WebDavDigestAUTH]] -- A guide to setting up WebDAV on Apache2 with Digest AUTH enabled === BitTorrent === * [[TransmissionHowTo|Transmission Setup]] - Setting up Ubuntu Server as a Transmission BitTorrent Server/Client. === Cloud Storageā€Ž === * [[Dropbox|Dropbox Setup]] - Setting up Ubuntu Server for Dropbox cloud storage. === Storage Server === * [[HighlyAvailableiSCSITarget|Highly Available iSCSI Target Server]] - Setting up a highly available iSCSI Target Server. * [[HighlyAvailableAoETarget| Highly Available AoE Target Server]] - Setting up a highly available AoE Target Server. === UPNP Mediaserver === * [[MediaTomb|MediaTomb UPnP Media Server]] - Setting up Ubuntu as a UPnP media server using the MediaTomb media server. * [[Ps3MediaServer|Ps3 Media Server]] - Setting up Ubuntu as a UPnP media server using the PS3 Media Server. === Remote Administration Access === * [[SSHHowto]] - Setting up SSH remote access. * [[SerialConsoleHowto]] - Setting up serial console access. * [[AjaxTerm]] - Ajax Terminal access. === Installation Servers === * [[AutomatedNodeDeployment|Node Deployment Through Automation]] - Set up an Ubuntu system to deploy Ubuntu. * [[PXEInstallServer]] - Set up a server to bootstrap installations. * [[PXEInstallMultiDistro|PXE Boot Multiple Distros]] - Set up an Ubuntu system to deploy other operating systems. * [[Apt-Cacher-Server]] - Setup a local cache to speed up package installation. === Security Servers === * [[IptablesHowTo]] - Set up a Firewall using iptables. * [[OpenVPN]] - Setup a bridged OpenVPN server. * [[VPNServer]] - Setup and configure a VPN server. * [[Servers/DansGuardian|DansGuardian]] - Setup an Internet Content Filter. === Folding@Home === * [[FoldingAtHome|Folding@Home]] - Do some good with your idle CPU cycles. === Monitoring === * [[Nagios3]] - Installing and configuring Nagios3 for system and network monitoring. (Documentation for [[Nagios2]].) * [[Zenoss]] - Installing Zenoss network monitor on Ubuntu Server * [[Logwatch]] - Installing Logwatch to monitor your system logs and have them emailed to you === Accounting === * [[QuasarAccountingInstallation|Quasar]] - How to install Quasar Accounts, a fully featured client-server business accounting application. === Image boards === * [[Danbooru]] === Clustering === * [[MpichCluster|MPICH Cluster]] - Installing a simple MPICH cluster. * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide|Kerrighed Cluster]] - Guide to setting up Kerrighed 2.3 using Ubuntu 8.04 === Development Tools === * [[SubversionInstall|Subversion]] - Install Subversion * [[Trac]] - Install Trac === Virtualization === * [[KVM]] - Installing and configuring the Kernel Virtual Machine * [[JeOSVMBuilder]] - Using python-vm-builder to create virtual appliances * [[Xen]] - Installing and configuring Xen * [[UEC]] - Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud * [[EC2StartersGuide]] - Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 === Other === * [[HomeServer|Home Server]] - Creating a simple Home Server * [[SmallBusinessServer|Small Business Server]] - Creating a server for a small business ---- CategoryApplications CategoryInternet CategoryNetworking CategoryInternet