><>|| = Install MariaDB = First, we need to install the MariaDB and necessary components by running the following command: {{{ sudo apt-get install mariadb mariadb-plugin-gssapi-server }}} = Creating a Keytab File on Unix = Since our MariaDB server is running on Linux, we need the Kerbose server to have a keytab file for the MariaDB server. We can create that keytab using the following command: {{{ # kadmin -q "addprinc -randkey mariadb/server1.office.lan" }}} {{{ # kadmin -q "ktadd -k /etc/mysql/mariadb.keytab mariadb/server1.office.lan" }}} = Configuring /etc/mysql/my.cnf = {{{ # sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf }}} {{{ gssapi_keytab_path=/etc/mysql/mariadb.keytab gssapi_principal_name=mariadb/server1.office.lan@OFFICE.LAN }}}