#title Software Management Navigation: Up to [[Applications]] {{attachment:IconsPage/apt.png}} = Introduction = Ubuntu includes some powerful tools for managing software. Here are some of those tools and terminology: == The Basics == * [[InstallingSoftware| Installing Software]] - Find out how to install software. * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto#Adding%20or%20Removing%20Software| Removing Software]] - Find out how to remove software. * [[SoftwarePackagingFormats| Software Packaging Formats]] - Linux programs come packaged in a number of different ways. This is an overview of them. * [[Repositories]] increase the number of packages available to install on your system. * [[Repositories/Ubuntu| Managing Repositories in Ubuntu]] * [[Repositories/Kubuntu| Managing Repositories in Kubuntu]] * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu| Switching To Ubuntu]] - Learn how Ubuntu compares to your current operating system. * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntuFromWindows#Installing%20Applications | Windows]] - How installing software works in Ubuntu compared to Microsoft Windows * [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromMacOSX#Installing%20Software | Mac OSX]] - How installing software works in Ubuntu compared to Apple OSX == On The Command Line == * [[AptGetHowTo| Using apt-get]] - How to use apt-get for package management. * [[AptitudeSurvivalGuide| Using Aptitude]] - How to use aptitude for package management. * [[CommandLinePackageManagement| Commandline Package Management Tools]] - Overview of the various command line package management tools. * [[Repositories/CommandLine| Commandline Repository Management Tools]] - Managing Repositories from the command line. * [[Tasksel]] - Packages for various tasks can be installed using tasksel. * [[Configuration]] - Manage configuration files after a new Ubuntu release installation. == On Web-browser == * http://appnr.com/ - Web-based package browser. (Currently works only in Firefox) == Further Topics == * [[InstallingRunPackage|Installing .run Packages]] - Installing software packages (typically games) which use ''.run'' installer files. * [[ReinstallingSamePackages| Reinstalling same packages]] - How to install the same packages after a reinstallation of your system. * [[PhasedUpdates|What are phased updates?]] - An explanation of what phased updates are, how they work in Ubuntu, and how they affect Ubuntu's users. ---- CategoryPackageManagement CategorySoftware