Based on this guide.

Discussion for this wiki can be found here

This tutorial uses exclusively open source software although kmttg has alternatives to use some commercial software. It takes a while to go through this tutorial, but it is well worth it at the end.


kmttg is a Java based program I (not me the author of this tutorial, a cool developer named Kevin Moye) wrote to facilitate Tivo To Go (TTG) transfer's that can download, create pyTivo metadata, decrypt, run comskip & comcut (commercial detection and removal), create closed captions files and re-encode multiple shows you select from your Tivos all automatically. The program also has the capability to transfer and process shows automatically from your Tivos based on titles and keywords you setup.


1. Install OpenJDK version of Java.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

2. Download kmttg installation zip file from here.

cd ~
mkdir -p kmttg
cd kmttg

3. Install ProjectX video repair.

cd ~/kmttg
ln -s Project-X_0.91.0 ProjectX

4. Download and build tivodecode.

sudo apt-get install build-essential
cd ~/kmttg
tar xvfz tivodecode-0.3pre4.tar.gz
cd tivodecode-0.3pre4/
cd ..
ln -s tivodecode-0.3pre4 tivodecode

5. Download comskip and wine and configure comskip to run via wine.

sudo apt-get install wine
cd ~/kmttg
mkdir -p comskip
cd comskip
unzip ../
echo 'wine "$0".exe "$@"' > comskip
chmod +x comskip

6. Download HandBrake encoder.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli handbrake-gtk

7. Download Atomic Parsley metadata processor.

sudo apt-get install atomicparsley


From, question "Unable to transfer video from TiVo DVR to PC"

NOTE: You can find your Media Access Key in either of these two places:

From your TiVo DVR: Go to TiVo Central, select Messages & Settings, then Account & System Information, and then Media Access Key.

When I say $USERNAME, I mean your actual username.

How to use

Originally posted The Ubuntu Forums (

TransferVideosFromTIVOToUbuntuOrAndroidUsingKmttg (last edited 2012-07-18 10:51:07 by host86-130-25-119)