Running the regular release? Upgrade from Kubuntu 13.10

Kubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS Upgrade

You will need to:

Ensure 12.04 LTS is Updated

1) Run Muon Update Manager.


2) Select Install Updates.


3) Press Alt-F2 and type kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade.

Or once our servers have upgrade notification turned on...

3) Close and restart Muon Update Manager, it will now detect the new release. Click the "Upgrade" button.

4) Enter your password.


5) The upgrade tool will start.


6) Confirm that you want to start the upgrade.


7) It will download and install the new release; have some coffee.


8) The last step of the entire process is to reboot your machine.


Welcome to Kubuntu 14.04 LTS

If everything went smoothly after the upgrade and the reboot, your desktop should look like the following:


Some Issues:

* If Muon Update Manager still doesn't detects the latest version, close it and run the following command in Konsole: sudo update-manager -d which run the Update Manager and it will find the latest Kubuntu version.

* If a version Muon Update Manager finds is Kubuntu Quantal (12.10) and not the new 14.04 LTS, then your Ubuntu is still set to receive regular (not LTS) upgrades. There must be a way to change that setting in Muon (perhaps in Muon (not Muon Update Manager) settings, Software sources dialog, tab Updates), but I cannot check for it at the moment. An easy but more technical way would be to edit a settings file /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades directly. E.g., run

kdesudo kate /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

and change line under DEFAULT settings from




Save and close the file. Then restart Muon Update Manager.

TrustyUpgrades/Kubuntu/12.04LTS (last edited 2014-07-02 08:12:26 by 195)