
= How do I install and use the downloader? =

 1. Download the script from http://ubuntuone.com/u1-downloader/u1-downloader-win.zip
 1. Extract the contents of the zip file.
 1. Click on Start button, and in the  search box write “cmd” (without quotes) and hit enter
 1. Type “cd Downloads” and hit enter (alternatively, you can type just cd and hit tab key until it displays the Downloads folder)
 1. Type “cd u1-downloader-win” and hit enter
 1. Type “cd u1-downloader” and hit enter
 1. Type “.\u1-downloader.exe” and hit enter
 1. You’ll be prompted for your credentials: write your email and hit enter, then write your password and hit enter. If needed, you’’ll be asked for you 2FA code as well.

Your files will start downloading and will be saved in the '''u1-files''' directory (you can access this folder with the file manager)

In the unlikely event that any files failed to download, we recommend trying again.  It will detect which files aren't complete, and attempt to download only those files.