After installing and booting the Cloud Controller, users of the cloud will need to retrieve their ''credentials''.  This can be done either through a web browser, or at the command line.

==== From a Web Browser ====

 1. From your web browser (either remotely or on your Ubuntu server) access the following URL:
 ||<style="background-color: #91f49f;"> '''Important!''' You must use a secure connection, so make sure you use "https" not "http" in your URL.  You will get a security certificate warning.  You will have to add an exception to view the page. If you do not accept it you will not be able to view the Eucalyptus configuration page.||
 1. Use username 'admin' and password 'admin' for the first time login (you will be prompted to change your password). 
 1. Then follow the on-screen instructions to update the admin password and email address. 
 1. Once the first time configuration process is completed, click the 'credentials' tab located in the top-left portion of the screen. <<BR>>{{attachment:UECcredentials-2.png}}
 1. Click the 'Download Credentials' button to get your certificates
 1. Save them to {{{~/.euca}}}
 1. Unzip the downloaded zipfile into a safe location (~/.euca)
unzip -d ~/.euca

==== From a Command Line ====
 1. Alternatively, if you are on the command line of the Cloud Controller, you can run:
mkdir -p ~/.euca
chmod 700 ~/.euca
cd ~/.euca
sudo euca_conf --get-credentials
ln -s ~/.euca/eucarc ~/.eucarc
cd -

==== Extracting and Using Your Credentials ====
Now you will need to setup EC2 API and AMI tools on your server using X.509 certificates. 
 1. Install the required cloud user tools:
sudo apt-get install euca2ools
 1. To validate that everything is working correctly, get the local cluster availability details:
. ~/.euca/eucarc
euca-describe-availability-zones verbose
AVAILABILITYZONE   myowncloud       
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- vm types                free / max   cpu   ram  disk
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- m1.small                0004 / 0004   1    192     2
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- c1.medium               0004 / 0004   1    256     5
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- m1.large                0002 / 0002   2    512    10
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- m1.xlarge               0002 / 0002   2   1024    20
AVAILABILITYZONE   |- c1.xlarge               0001 / 0001   4   2048    20