How to use the [[UEC/StorageController|Storage Controller]] Controlling eucalyptus services: * sudo service eucalyptus [start|stop|restart] (on the CLC/CC/SC/Walrus side) * sudo service eucalyptus-nc [start|stop|restart] (on the Node side) Locations of some important files: * '''Log files:''' * {{{/var/log/eucalyptus}}} * '''Configuration files:''' * {{{/etc/eucalyptus}}} * '''Database:''' * {{{/var/lib/eucalyptus/db}}} * '''Keys''' * {{{/var/lib/eucalyptus}}} * {{{/var/lib/eucalyptus/.ssh}}} Notes: * Don't forget to source your ~/.euca/eucarc before running the client tools. Links: * [[ | Eucalyptus Project Site (forums, documentation, downloads)]] * [[ | Eucalyptus on Launchpad (bugs, code)]] * [[ | Eucalyptus Troubleshooting (1.5)]] * [[ | Register your cloud with RightScale ]]