== Introduction ==

This document explains how to set up a DSL broadband connection for people living in the UK using a Thomson Speedtouch 330 USB modem or other similar modems supported by the speedtch driver.



speedtouch-firmware.tgz or speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all.deb.

wget http://ftp.linux.it/pub/People/md/warez/speedtouch-firmware.tgz
sudo tar xfvz speedtouch-firmware.tgz
sudo cp ./firmware/speedtch-1.bin.4 /lib/firmware/speedtch-1.bin
sudo cp ./firmware/speedtch-2.bin.4 /lib/firmware/speedtch-2.bin


wget http://ubudsl.googlepages.com/speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all.deb
sudo dpkg -x speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all.deb ./speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all
sudo cp ./speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all/lib/firmware/speedtch-1.bin.4 /lib/firmware/speedtch-1.bin
sudo cp ./speedtouch-firmware_0.1-7_all/lib/firmware/speedtch-2.bin.4 /lib/firmware/speedtch-2.bin

sudo cp /usr/share/doc/ppp/examples/peers-pppoa /etc/ppp/peers/adsl

gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/adsl

(or for Kubuntu)

kdesudo kwrite /etc/ppp/peers/adsl

to include the username given to you by your isp and the VP and VC identifiers 0.38 (Poland, TPSA neostrada tp 0.35) (they may differ for other ISPs).

gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

(or for Kubuntu)

kdesudo kwrite /etc/ppp/pap-secrets

file (in /etc/ppp/) and update them with the username and password provided by your isp by adding to each a line in the format

"username@isp" "*" "password"


sudo cp /etc/ppp/pap-secrets /etc/ppp/chap-secrets

pon adsl

UKSpeedtouchDSLHowTo (last edited 2009-11-12 19:58:48 by 5ad3428a)