'''Adding/Removing programs to your desktop''' {{{ Historical purposes only this part: UME keeps the .desktop files in /usr/share/mobile-basic-flash/applications, so you can either create a new .desktop file for your app, or make a symlink from your app's .desktop file in /usr/share/applications}}} '''UPDATED INFO''' Put your desktop file in /usr/share/applications (or subdirectories thereof). Also add {{{OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Mobile;}}} to the desktop file and the icon will appear on the desktop. Also something to note: For example, cheese does not have {{{OnlyShowIn}}} but it appears in hildon desktop...others also do not have {{{OnlyShowIn}}} but do not appear..it seems that there is some special implementation for ubuntu mobile which is seen in the gconf keys: {{{/desktop/hildon/htmlhomeplugin/onlyshowin_filter}}} Check {{{OnlyShowIn}}} value in .desktop. If {{{_False_}}} then every .desktop is shown. and {{{/onlyshowin_ignore}}} Always show these apps, even if they don't have {{{OnlyShowIn}}}. Cheese is in this list hence it is always shown Apparently this key should go away when every application is a good citizen and complies to the freedesktop.org standards.