
This wiki page describes the files and directories you need to know about to add a Python application to the UME Hildon Desktop (Applications) > Extras menu.

Application files

Each Python application requires the following files:

Additional optional files may include the following:

Before taking a closer look at these files, let's take note of an application's dedicated "application directory."


"Core" application-specific files (those that are not related to registering the application with the Desktop or displaying it in the user interface prior to launching) reside in a dedicated "application directory."

The application directory contains:

The application directory is a subdirectory of:

In the example explained here, the application's directory is named pyglade, as follows;

For the sample application considered in this wiki page, this directory contains the following:

Now, let's take a tour of the actual files, starting with the critical .desktop file.

Application auto-discovery via the .desktop file

The Desktop automatically discovers applications that have a .desktop file in the /usr/share/applications directory. This file always starts with "[Desktop Entry]" and continues with a number of key value pairs that define the application to the Desktop, including:

Here's a sample .desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]

Currently, applications with a valid .desktop file are presented to the user in the (Applications) > Extras menu.

The executable and icon files are described below.

Executable file

The Desktop doesn't launch Python files directly. Instead, the Desktop launches the executable specified with the Exec key in the .desktop file. This executable is usually a simple shell script that does two things:

Here are details:

Run time location: /usr/bin

File name extension: Can be anything

Example: /usr/bin/pyglade

Type: For Python applications, this is generally an executable shell script.


cd /usr/share/pyglade
python main.py

Key points:

Main Python file

This is the application's main Python file.

Run time location: The ApplicationDirectory

File name extension: Can be anything, typically is .py

Example: /usr/share/pyglade/main.py

Type: Python file

Glade user interface file

This optional file defines the application's GTK user interface objects. Such files are created using Glade and imported into your Python code, after which its GTK objects can be accessed and used in Python.

Run time location: The ApplicationDirectory

File name extension: .glade

Example: /usr/share/pyglade/pygladeui.glade

Type: Glade definition file

Icon file

This is the optional icon that is displayed in the UME applications menu next to the application name.

Run time location: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/

File name extension: .png

Example: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/pyglade_26.png

Type: PNG, SVG

Sample make file

Here's the make file I used to install the sample application referred to in this page. (Setting up a build environment with an external source directory mounted to the target is beyond the scope of this page.)

BINDIR = ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/
APPDIR = ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/pyglade
        @mkdir -p ${BINDIR}
        @mkdir -p ${APPDIR}
        @install -m 755 -D main.py ${APPDIR}/main.py
        @install -m 755 -D pygladeui.glade ${APPDIR}/pygladeui.glade
        @install -m 755 -D executable.txt ${BINDIR}/pyglade
        @install -m 755 -D desktop.txt ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/applications/pyglade.desktop
        @install -m 755 -D pyglade_26.png ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/pyglade_26.png

        @rm -f ${APPDIR}/main.py
        @rm -f ${APPDIR}/ui.glade
        @rm -f ${BINDIR}/pyglade
        @rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/applications/pyglade.desktop
        @rm -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/icons/${THEME}/22x22/apps/pyglade_26.png

UMEGuide/ApplicationDevelopment/AnatomyOfUMEPythonApplication (last edited 2008-06-27 10:14:41 by localhost)