This follows on from the tutorial [[UMEGuide/ApplicationDevelopment/GladeWithPythonForUMEHildon| Using a Glade UI with Python to create a UME/Hildon app]]
For more background info also read the excellent [[|maemo tutorial]] for porting python applications to the Hildon framework. This is the canonical URL for this tutorial.
= Objective =
This shows how to port an application (gPodder) to Ubuntu Mobile. gPodder media aggregator is a podcast receiver/catcher written in Python utilizing PyGTK for its graphical interface. gPodder is very lightweight and doesn't have many dependencies. A great part of the porting effort is spent making an application use and obey the Hildon UI style of windows and menu's
= Assumed Knowledge =
You have set up the UME development environment as show [[|here]]. Also that you can change the Flash UI as explained [[|here]].
'''Dependencies Needed'''
gPodder has the following dependencies on Ubuntu:
apt-get install both of them in the target filesystem.
= Get the Source Code and try it out on UME =
Download and extract the source package from the [[|project's page]]. The code changes are made in the gpodder-0.8.0/src/gpodder/ file.
On the target filesystem change the UI so that it displays the gpodder image and move the expanded gpodder folder to the target filesystem (I renamed it to gpodder-orig) like this:
user@machine:~/Dev/Ume/ports$ sudo cp -R gpodder-orig /home/ian/Dev/Ume/olpcimage/targets/metahacker/fs/home/
Maybe gpodder will be ok without too many changes so lets install it by:
user@machine:/home/gpodder-orig# python install
In the target filesystem terminal:
export DISPLAY=:0
(to save typing this every time you open a target filesystem shell from moblin you can add this line to .bashrc)
/etc/init.d/dbus start
xinit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc -- /usr/bin/Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 1024x600x32 -dpi 96 -ac
executing {{{gpodder}}} in the terminal gave an error of
{{{from xml.sax.saxutils import DefaultHandler}}}
so in the terminal
{{{apt-get install python-xml}}}
After this executes it executes OK in the terminal so lets test it by clicking the gpodder image and see what happens
this presents the gpodder UI
It seems ok but it is not 'Hildonized' yet
= Hildonize Step 1 =
The first code change in the porting exercise is to make gPodder use {{{HildonProgram}}} and {{{HildonWindow}}} classes instead of the {{{GtkWindow}}} class.
Start by modifying the file (in the gpodder-orig/src/gpodder directory). To use Hildon elements, you have to import its module. The following illustrates the import:
from libipodsync import gPodder_iPodSync
from libipodsync import ipod_supported
# ****** start of the added code ******
import hildon
# ****** end of the added code ******
# for isDebugging:
import libgpodder
'''Note''': if this errors {{{apt-get install python2.5-hildon python2.5-hildon-dev}}}
Next, add a {{{HildonProgram(}}} and a {{{HildonWindow(self.window)}}}:
if libgpodder.isDebugging():
print "A new %s has been created" % self.__class__.__name__
#****** start of the added code ****** = hildon.Program()
self.window = hildon.Window()
#****** end of the added code ******
#self.gPodder.set_title( self.gPodder.get_title())
#self.statusLabel.set_text( "Welcome to gPodder! Suggestions? Mail to:")
# set up the rendering of the comboAvailable combobox
The {{{gPodder class (self)}}} has its {{{close_gpodder}}} method connected to the destroy signal from the original {{{gPodder}}} Gtk window. In the glade file remove the connection:
'''Original version'''
user@machine:/home/gpodder-orig/data# nano
'''Hildon Version'''
user@machine:/home/gpodder-hildon/data# nano
and put it in the new {{{Hildonwindow(self.window)}}} that was just created in like this :
self.window = hildon.Window()
#****** start of the added code ******
self.window.connect("destroy", self.close_gpodder)
#****** end of the added code ******
'''Note''': above you can see two different versions gpodder-orig and gpodder-hildon in the target filesystem. To install a different version just remove the old version by;
user@machine:/home/gpodder-hildon/src/gpodder# cd /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
user@machine:/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages# rm -R gpodder-0.8.0.egg-info gpodder}}}
and then do a python install on the new version (also remember to change the file /usr/share/gpodder/ if you need to for things like dialogues etc)
= Hildonize Step 2 =
To use Hildon's title area as its menu bar, instead of using the GTK+ menu (a {{{GTKMenuBar}}} object) alter again. Before doing this have a look in the file, you can see that the {{{gPodder}}} window has a menu bar (a {{{GTKMenuBar}}} object) called {{{mainMenu}}} The code below moves all its children ({{{menuPodcasts, menuChannels and menuHelp}}}) to the {{{HildonWindow's}}} menu and then destroys the empty {{{mainMenu}}} menu
#****** start of the added code ******
menu = gtk.Menu()
for child in self.mainMenu.get_children():
#****** end of the added code
Gives the final version
which can be downloaded here: