= How to get involved with writing this guide = You don't need to be an official Documentation Team member to get involved. See the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/GettingStarted|Getting Started]] page for how to contribute. A good way to sart out is by writing to the [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-mobile|Mailing list]] either with a new article or explaining where you would think you best can contribute === Normal Workflow === To export wiki pages paste the moin source into [[http://docbook.wikiwikiweb.de/MatthewEast|the wiki -> docbook exporter]]. Then tidy the exported docbook using {{{$ tidy -xml original.xml > new.xml}}} To create po file for translation {{{xml2po -o ../mobileguide.pot bookinfo.xml introduction.xml mobileguide.xml app-framework.xml mobile-build-infrastructure.xml mobile-hw-decode.xml mobile-image-creation.xml mobile-kernel.xml mobile-ui.xml window-manager.xml gnome-components.xml on-screen-keyboard.xml mobile-browser.xml mobile-graphics.xml mobile-user-apps.xml }}} To create pdf {{{dblatex mobileguide.xml bookinfo.xml introduction.xml app-framework.xml mobile-build-infrastructure.xml mobile-hw-decode.xml mobile-image-creation.xml mobile-kernel.xml mobile-ui.xml window-manager.xml gnome-components.xml on-screen-keyboard.xml mobile-browser.xml mobile-graphics.xml mobile-user-apps.xml}}} To create docbook from html sources. First download [[http://www.dbdoclet.org/archives/herold_4.1.10-46_all.deb|herold]] (requires java). Then dpkg -i herold_4.1.10-46_all.deb. Use it like: {{{user@machine:~$ herold --in=location.html --out=location-services.xml}}} === ToDo === Tutorial on Package Creation Tutorial on both Clutter and the HTML User interfaces Write a tutorial on [[https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-audit/|hildon-audit]] Write a DBUS tutorial. This will be based on [[http://www.alex-smith.me.uk/blog/dbus-tutorial-part-1.html|creating a DBUS daemon]]