The Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded (UME) project aims to derive an operating system for mobile internet devices using Ubuntu as a base.

UME will extend Ubuntu by providing infrastructure for mobile development, with all of the necessary components integrated into the Ubuntu package archive, ready to install and run, or to tailor for custom mobile applications. It will be a different architecture (lpia), but live in the same archive as the normal Ubuntu packages. 

Ubuntu Mobile initially will target [[|"the emerging class of ultra mobile, small handheld devices which are Internet-enabled."]]  

[[|Get Involved writing the guide]]

= The Guide =

== Online Version ==

[[|Online HTML Guide]] 

'''How to add a new wiki page'''

[[UMEGuide/AddNewPage| Adding a New Article to the Guide]]

'''Upstream Code''' 

[[|Upstream Code]]

[[| Moblin 2.0]]

'''API References''' 

[[|API References]]

''' Development & Programming Forums'''

[[|Packaging and Compiling Programs]]

[[|Development (Hardy Heron)]]

[[|Programming Talk]]

'''Application Development''' 

[[|Application Development]]

[[|Designing for Finger-Driven UIs]]

[[|Improving the User Experience]]

'''Theming,Customization and UI'''

[[|Theming and Customization]]

'''How To's and Tutorials''' 

[[|How To's]]



Please send your documentation feedback to: ubuntu-mobile[at]