Ubuntu for Engineers

Here's a list of available programs for Engineers or Engineering students that are available for Ubuntu (or linux in general). Not all of them are in the official repositories, not all of them are free and open, but they can be used on a daily basis to improve the workflow of any Engineer.

Mathematical analysis

Matlab and Mathematica are the de facto industry standards in numerical and symbolic analysis respectively, both proprietary and non-free. Though there are many great alternatives to both of them, listed below. More info...

A list with more alternatives can be found here.

Finite element analysis

The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions to partial differential equations (PDE) and their systems, as well as (less often) integral equations. More info...

Fluid mechanics

Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics that studies fluids and the forces on them. Fluid mechanics can be divided into fluid statics, fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics. More info...


Electronics deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. More info...


Computer-aided design (CAD), is the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design, improve communications through documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing. More info...

A list of CAD software for Linux

Other programs

An old list of Engineering software in the Ubuntu forum.


IconsPage/ubuntu.png - installed by default in Ubuntu
IconsPage/kubuntu.png - installed by default in Kubuntu
IconsPage/edubuntu.png - installed by default in Edubuntu
IconsPage/ubuntu_grey.png - Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository, not installed by default
IconsPage/community.png - Universe (community maintained) repository
IconsPage/important.png - Multiverse (non-free) repository

Those installed by default are in Main (officially supported) Ubuntu repository. For information about the Ubuntu repositories see Repositories. Clicking on the icon next a program should take you to information about the Ubuntu package.

UbuntuEngineering (last edited 2021-10-20 21:54:49 by sethh)